11, Hairography!

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ANOTHER SLEEPLESS NIGHT, and Lilyana wasn't sure how much longer she could go without sleep

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ANOTHER SLEEPLESS NIGHT, and Lilyana wasn't sure how much longer she could go without sleep. Tossing and turning was all Lily had been doing for the last two weeks.

And sitting in the auditorium with all of the other glee members was not something she wanted to be doing at that very moment. Nevertheless, she laid her head on Santana's shoulder, and kicked her feet up onto the chairs in front of her. Santana wrapped her arm around the girl and laid her head on top of Lily's

"Okay guys, so first of all I want to welcome Ms. Hitchens and the Jane Addams Glee Club." Mr. Schuester said, standing up the front with the other glee clubs. "We're all very happy to have you guys here. So, we're going to let you guys start us off. Let's see what you got!"

Mr. Schue walked to the seats and sat down, and everyone looked up at the stage curiously.

"Hit it," said Ms. Hitchens.

[ BOOTYLICIOUS — Jane Addams Academy ]

Needless to say, Lilyana loved their performance. She thought their singing was good and their dance moves even better. It was a good performance too, as there was hardly any solo performances in this group performance — it was performed more as a group than a solo, a duet, a trio or even a quartet, so it was simply amazing in Lily's eyes.

At the end of the performance, Lily was the first to clap, followed by Rachel, then Finn and then the others.

Lilyana got up off her seat and walked up to Ms. Hitchens, "That was amazing," she grinned, "I can't wait to see what they perform at Sectionals."

"Thank you," Ms. Hitchens smiled, "What is your name?"

"Lilyana," the teen happily shook Ms. Hitchens' hand.

"Lily!" Jaeden called, "Come on, we have Geography."

Lilyana let out a groan, "It was nice meeting you!"


"WHAT IS THIS?" Lilyana asked, looking around with amazement written across her face.

"Just a little pic-nic I prepared for you," Jaeden grinned, kissing Lily's hand. "We haven't spent much time together, with just us in a while, so I thought this would be nice."

Lilyana smiled, happily sitting down on the blanket. The pic-nic basket was in between the couple, and Jaeden began pulling Lily's favourite snacks and drinks out of it. Lilyana glanced over at Jaeden, watching his concentrated face as he began unwrapping Lily's peanut better sandwiches.

Excitedly, Lily took the sandwiches out of Jaeden's outstretched hand, immediately taking a bite.

Jaeden watched her as he took a bite out of his ham sandwich. He watched the way the slight wind made Lily's hair blow out of her face, he watched the way the sun made Lily's honey brown eyes a lighter shade than what they were, he watched the way her facial expression changed from stressed to relaxed, and he watched the way her cheeks turned a rosy shade when she noticed he was staring.

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