6, Vitamin D!

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Rachel was instructing them on dancing, but no one paid her any attention as they done their own thing and waited for Mr. Schue to turn up.

"Great news, guys." Mr. Schue said, entering the choir room and twirling Brittany under his arm. "Just got the competition bracket for sectionals and we are in really good shape. There's only two other teams. We beat them, we make it to regionals."

Lily smiled over at Kurt and Mercedes, as Kurt held his hands out like a little child for Lily to come join them. Giving Jaeden a peck on the cheek, she rushed to stand by Kurt and Mercedes.

"Uh, who are the other teams?" Rachel asked, and everyone stopped talking to listen.

"Drumroll please, Finn."

Said boy gave a drumroll from where he sat at the drums. "School for the Deaf in Dayton and some place called Jane Addams Academy."

"Jane Addams?" Mercedes chuckled. "That's a halfway house for girls just getting out of juvie."

"I've been to juvie." Lily grinned, and everyone looked over at her shocked. She just shrugged at them while Jaeden snickered.

"Th-Th-This is great." Tina stuttered and Lily smiled warmly at her. The cheerio couldn't help but agree with her.

"People who can't hear what they're singing and criminals who don't care." Artie said and Lily narrowed her eyes. "It's gonna be a cakewalk. High-fi..." he held a hand up to high-five Brittany, but she high-fived Santana instead. Jaeden high-fived Artie, making him smile.



While Mr. Schue was showing them what dance moves to do, everyone was copying him but Lily just stood there. She was so tired. "Five, six, seven, eight. Step, turn, out, in, ball-change, step ball-change, step. You, you, you, you." Mr. Schue turned and pointed at them, and Lily quickly joined in not wanting the teacher to notice she wasn't doing the dance. "And ba-ba-ba. Turn. Come on, guys, you're sleepwalking on me here. Give me some energy. We've got sectionals in two-"

"Please," interrupted Mercedes, "sectionals is going to be a breeze."

"Maybe so." Mr. Schue replied. Artie and Lily yawned. "But if we coast through sectionals, we're gonna get killed at regionals."

Lily eyed Finn who was staring at Quinn's stomach, and she rolled her eyes at him. If Jaeden stared at her stomach, she'd probably punch him. Well, if he stared at her stomach the way Finn stared at Quinn's.

"We have got to be on our game." Mr. Schue finished just as Kurt began laughing. Lily sighed and glanced over at Jaeden, who saw and smiled brightly at her.

"Sorry. Funny YouTube." Kurt apologised once Mr. Schue glanced over at him. "It's the grape stomping one." He added when Mr. Schue didn't look convinced. He held his phone up to show he wasn't lying.

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