Daichi POV

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I smelled something strange coming from the kitchen so I rushed up the stairs to see Suga taking cookies out of the oven. 

"Suga," I said, "What did you put in the cookies,"

He heard me and tried to hide the piping hot pan behind his back, "Nothing," He said slowly

Yaku and Akaashi glanced at me then back at Suga, their expressions seeming to say 'Oooh busted'

I grabbed an oven mitt from the counter and took the pan from him, "Did you put weed in the cookies,"


I sighed, "Whatever, as long as I get some," 

"You're the boss," Suga said taking back the pan and setting it on the counter to cool down.

I headed back downstairs and sat down on the couch pulling out my phone. 

"It's only three," I muttered, "Damn,"

"Whacha doing there cap'n," I turned around to see Kuroo and Bokuto propping themselves against the couch.

"Nothing, why,"

"I dunno, just wondering," Bokuto said letting out a yawn

I looked around the room, "Where did everyone go," I asked, just notice everyone's absence

 "They're playing volleyball outside," Kuroo answered jumping over the back of the couch, landing next to me

"Why aren't you two playing,"

"Cause Tsukki hasn't come out of the room yet, and it's no fun if we can't torment Tsukki," Kuroo said gesturing to the still closed door

I hummed in reply standing up to go outside, "Where ya goin' cap,"

"Outside to see what everyone is doing," I said walking towards the back door

I walked outside, surprise, surprise, they weren't playing volleyball. Everyone was gathered around a small window with the exception of Iwa, Ushijima, Asahi, and Kenmawho were passing to each other.

I walked up to Iwazumi, "What are they doing," I asked

"I dunno, go see for yourself," He said, "We had started playing then they all gathered around that window,"

I nodded and went to see what was so interesting. 

Curious I peered into the window along with the others to see Tsukishima and Yamaguchi cuddled up together both sleeping soundly.

Kageyama had his phone out and was taking pictures until Oikawa noticed me looking at them.

"Scatter!" He yelled waking up Tsukishima

At Oikawa's command, everyone stood up and bolted in different directions.

What the fuck.

(361 words)

Hiya, I'm super sorry this chapter took so long, I've been super busy with signing up for high school classes and doing tests and stuff. Also, a small side note, my b-day is on the 15th so if you could check out my TikTok (@//burnt.toast.cos) it would mean a lot to me.

-your burnt out author, toast<3

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