Bokuto POV

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"Yeah, I agree," I said to Kuroo after Tsukishima had hit us both in the face with a volleyball.

Kuroo got the worst of it though he had a couple of bruises and a bloody nose. While I only had a black eye. 

Akaashi and Yaku ran over to us with ice packs, they are such moms. 

"Did you get the phone," Kuroo asked, "No I dropped it when he hit me in the face,"

"Dammit, I really wanted to go through it," he said disappointedly.

Daichi and Asahi were in the other room interrogating Tsukki. "I wonder why he was so defensive over his phone," I wondered

"Yeah, it's like he's hiding something," Kuroo agreed

Oh no Kuroo is plotting something. "Kuroo, don't tell me," I said

"Yup," He replied, "I'm going to try to steal his phone again,"

"Kuroo," Yaku said sternly, "Don't you even think about it,"

"It's too late for that Yaku," Kuroo replied

Yamaguchi came out of the room and walked up to the rooster, looked him in the eyes then slapped him on either side of his face. Then he walked back into the room.

Honestly, I laughed a little. He turned around quickly. I got scared and jumped behind Akaashi.

Man Yamaguchi can be a pretty scary kid sometimes.

A couple of minutes had passed and Daichi, Asahi, Yamaguchi, and Tsukishima all exited the room.

"You guys done with your little tea party now," Oikawa teased. Iwazumi hit him on the head, "Don't go there shittykawa," he said

Tsukishima took a deep breath.

"Uhh, how about we pause the game for a bit and watch a movie," Suga said in a cautious tone

"That's a good idea," Yaku and Akaashi agreed

Aahhh the mom squad, so peaceful. "I vote we watch a scary movie,"

"I second that," Kenma said not even looking up from his game

Most people agreed to a scary movie.

"Ok then," Suga said, "I'll set up the movie," we all migrated over to the area where the TV was.

Kuroo pulled me over to the side and explained a plan to attempt to steal Tsukki's phone again.

"So I bet you he put it in his hoodie pocket," he whispered to me, "He will probably have Yamaguchi in his lap so, I'll use my long lanky arms to reach into his pocket, take his phone then toss it to you,"

"Ok, then we will go through it together right?" I asked, "Correct," He responded.

And now the plan ensues, as Kuroo predicted Yamaguchi was In Tsukki's lap. I saw his phone in his pocket, this plan might actually work.

Towards the middle of the movie, Kuroo managed to slip the phone out of Tsukishima's pocket. He tossed the phone to me and I excused myself to the 'bathroom'.

A little bit after Kuroo followed. Tsukki's phone was locked but earlier Kuroo put his thumbprint on it. 

We started going through it but the movie ended sooner than we expected and I heard Tsukki start freaking out. 

I sounded like he was about to start having a panic attack. "Kuroo I think we should give his phone back," I said, "This doesn't feel right,"

"Oh shush I'm almost done," He reassured. Someone started banging on the bathroom door.

"You two," It sounded like Yaku and Suga, "Get out here NOW!!"

I was terrified. "Tsukishima is on the verge of a panic attack because you have his phone," Suga sounded worried.

"I've found what I wanted," He said with a horrible look on his face.

Kuroo slid the phone under the door, then Suga quite literally broke down the door and picked Kuroo up by his shirt and knocked him in the face.

"Dammit, Kuroo I told you this was a bad idea," I said still sitting on the floor of the bathroom

Suga dragged Kuroo by his shirt collar into the main room of the basement. I followed and sat down on my sleeping bag not wanting any part of this.

Over in the corner, I saw Yamaguchi and Hinata trying to comfort Tsukishima. I felt really bad. 

I wonder what Kuroo found that was so important. I hope Tsukki is ok. I can't believe I agreed to this. Kuroo is so stupid.

I went over to try to apologize to Tsukki but Yamaguchi pushed me away. I saw that Hinata had put earbuds into Tsukishima's and he seemed to calm down.

I went back to my sleeping bag and Akaashi, Suga, and Yaku began to yell at Kuroo and I. I felt so bad. 

(731 words)

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