Kenma POV

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"Are you guys done yet," I asked slightly looking up from my phone

"And he speaks," Kuroo narrated

I lifted my hand and flipped him off.

Rooster boy then dramatically placed his hand on his chest, "Uh, rude," 

I ignored him then turned my attention back to my game, Hinata got up and walked over to sit next to me.

"Shoo, shoo, go sit by Bokuto or something," He said to Kuroo pushing him in that general direction

"What game are you playing," He asked looking over my shoulder 

I looked up from the screen and turned off the game, "Just Genshin Impact,"

Hinata looked at me with a confused expression, "What's that,"

"It's just a game, I could show you how to play it sometime," I offered

He looked at me, excitement dancing in his eyes, "Would you? That would be so cool," 

I nodded and adjusted my sitting position to face him.

I could feel a lot of people staring at me and It was making me very uncomfortable so I grabbed my, 'MY' jacket off the grass and draped it over my shoulders, making me feel more secure.

I looked towards the inside of the circle and saw several people turn their heads including Kuroo. I think they were just surprised that I turned off my phone. At this point we aren't even playing the game anymore everyone was just sitting with their friends or SOs.

"Hey Shoyo, wanna play chopsticks," I asked and he hummed in response 

We played a few games, most of which I won.

After a few games of rock, paper, scissors, and many long minutes of awkward silence someone finally spoke, "We should probably go back inside.

"What about Lev and Yaku," Hinata asked slightly raising his hand.

"They'll find their way back eventually," Suga said standing up

Bokuto then jumped up, "LAST ONE TO THE HOUSE HAS TO CLEAN EVERYTHING UP," He exclaimed, before sprinting back to the house.

I just sighed and watched Hinata and a bunch of other people run after them, "C'mon Kenma," Kuroo said quite literally sweeping me off my feet.

He held me bridal style as he ran down the hill after the others. We all eventually made it inside and low and behold Yaku and Lev had beaten us, "When did you guys get here?" I asked

"A few minutes ago, it got cold outside," Yaku responded rewrapping a blanket around his shoulders and neck like he was hiding something.

Oh no, he was defiantly hiding something, most likely hickies. 

I took out my game and started playing it again only to be interrupted by Kuroo, "Kenmaaaaaa, whacha doingggggg,"

"Ignoring you," I said, "What does it look like,"

He got a pouty look on his face, "You're a big meanie,"

(463 words)

If you guys have any requests or ideas for the next chapter (Kageyama POV) please comment them, I'm kind of running out of ideas😅

-your uninspired author, toast<3

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