Yamaguchi POV

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I could tell Bokuto felt bad, but Kuroo had no hint of regret on his face. I hope he didn't find the demos. I sat down in front of Tsukki who was on the verge of tears in the corner.

I swear to god I want to beat Kuroo up so bad right now. No, Yamaguchi, you have to stay calm for Tsukki. Hinata had put in his earphones for him and I opened up his phone to turn on some music.

I opened up his phone and stared in shock, his demo app was pulled up. Luckily he didn't see my face, I turned on one of his demos and squeezed his hand.

I stood up, "Daichi, Asahi, can you come here for a second," They both walked over to me, "What's up kiddo," Daichi said what a dad, "Do you remember how Tsukki was telling us he had some personal stuff on his phone," I said quietly so Tsukki couldn't hear.

"Yeah what about it," Asahi asked, "Well, Kuroo found that stuff and sent it to himself," I said, "I deleted the messages but Rooster boy over there might still have it on his phone," I pointed at Kuroo.

Daichi looked annoyed, he cracked his knuckles and started walking over to where Yaku, Akaashi, and Suga were taking turns yelling the shit out of Kuroo and Bokuto.

Asahi got scared and tried to hold Daichi back but that wasn't stopping him from pushing forward.

"Suga, help me your boyfriend is going to smash Kuroo into the floor," Asahi said frightened.

Suga turned around and tried to help stop Daichi but it was no use. He kept plowing forward.

I returned to my place in front of Tsukki taking his hand and squeezing it telling him it was going to be ok. Tears started to slowly pour out of his eyes and I wiped them away with my finger.

I heard Kuroo yelling and crying for mercy. I stood up walked over to him and kicked him in the side as he lay helpless on the floor.

Kenma honestly couldn't care less about this situation he was off in another corner of the room with Hinata and Lev sitting next to him while he played his game.

Bokuto tried to come to apologize again but I looked at him and shook my head as if to say not now it's not a good idea. "Bokuto," I said, "Do you know the password to Kuroo's phone?"

"Yeah, why," He asked, "Can you unlock it for me," I said holding up his phone. He took the phone and typed in the passcode then he cautiously handed it back.

I immediately opened his text messages. I was right they didn't delete from his phone. I deleted them and tossed the phone at Kuroo who was still laying on the floor like a wimp.

I went back over to Tsukki to see that he had stopped crying. I exhaled in relief. 

I sat down next to him and leaned my head on his shoulder and grabbed his hand. He held it back and I felt my face heating up.

I love this salty dinosaur. "hah hA, HAAAH," Kuroo started laughing.

"What are you laughing at you overrated rooster," Kenma said from the corner of the room.

"Oh nothing, just wait till I tell you what I found on Tsukishimas phone," Kuroo cackled.

I looked over at Tsukki, good he didn't hear that, or that's what I thought.

"Tsukki ar-," he looked petrified. I took one of his earbuds and placed it in my ear. My eyes widened in fear.

No music was coming out of them. Tsukki now had tears streaming down his face.

He stood up and slowly walked out of the room. I sat on the floor of the basement. 

I sat there on the cold hardwood floor staring a hole through the back of Kuroo's head. I was so angry.

"TSUKKIIIII," I yelled catching everyone's attention as I ran after Tsukki.

I slowly opened the door to one of the rooms and Tsukki was sitting on the floor with tears streaming out of his eyes.

"Hey, Suga can you get Tsukki a glass of water," I called out to him, "Huh," He said turning around, "Oh yeah sure,"

I walked into the room and flung my arms around Tsukki. He sank into the hug as if he wanted it. Suga knocked on the door.

Suga came in and set the water next to Tsukki and me, "Thanks Suga," I said getting up also giving him a hug to his surprise, "Please punch the rooster for me," I said

"Uh, ok Yamaguchi," He said patting me on the back. Suga walked out closing the door behind him. Tsukki took a drink of water and looked up at me.

"Thank you, Tadashi," He said shakily, "Hmm, for what?" I asked sitting next to him again.

"For everything," He said pulling me into a deep kiss

(835 words)

I know, I know, what a cheesy ending to a chapter. Let me know how I should do next. - toast <3

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