Tendou POV

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"Oooh, now what do we have here," I asked skipping up the stairs of Sugas house

"Just some, you know, cookies," He said resting his cheek in his hand 

"Like, cookies cookies?" 

All three of them nodded, "Yes, cookies cookies" Akaashi replied 

"Sick," I laughed as Yaku took them out of the oven

We talked for a few minutes waiting for the cookies to cool down. Suga then ran down the stairs and screamed, "THE COOKIES ARE READY!" 

"Damn, that was loud even from up here," Yaku said re-adjusting his blanket

The three of us went downstairs and a herd of people rushed in and started taking cookies off the pan, "Dang, they really going ham on those," I commented earning a giggle from Akaashi

"They are gonna be high as fuck for the rest of the night," The setter said laughing

Through the crowd of volleyball players, I reached in and managed to snag one of the cookies. 

"Damn, this better be worth it," I said splitting it up of Akaashi, Yaku, and me to share

"Here you guys go," I handed them their pieces, "You wanna try 'em on three?"

They nodded, "Ok" I counted down and we all took a bite, "These are good, like surprisingly good," Yaku said covering his mouth

Suga walked up to us, his own cookie in hand, "How do y'all like them,"

"They're amazing," I said

"Nice," He replied laughing 

I looked around to see most of our friends on the floor sleeping, "Holy shit mom what'd you put in those cookies,"

(250 words)

Heh, so my school is starting this weird-ass hybrid schedule even though we get out at the end of May. BUT despite that and the fact that testing is coming up, I will try to write the last three chapters and get them out asap :)

-your author, toast<3

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