No More Sugar For Amelia

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Over the day I became better friends with Indi. All day we were making jokes about the 'popular girls' and the stupid, stuck up teachers. Indi is really bubbly and fun to hang out with. We get on really well when Dean isn't around to piss me off. "Brock's waiting for us," Christian told me as we headed out the front gates. I nodded and carried on walking with my two new best friends. Becoming friends with the WAT boys and Indi are the best things that have happened to me, so far.

"Brockkie!" I exclaimed once we got to Brock's car.

"Mealiey!" Brock replied.

"Cos I'm not your favourite cousin," I heard Luke say sarcastically from somewhere behind Brock.

"Couldn't see you Lukey," I laughed.

"What about us?" Mitchel and Tyrone chorused from the back seats.

"Ty! Mitchey!" I exclaimed laughing. I opened the back door and jumped in next to Tyrone. I was followed by Christian who jumped in the back and then Indi who sat next to me.

"Who wants to hit the beach?" Indi asked.

"Me!" Me and Mitchel yelled together. We looked at each other and laughed. "We're twins!" We laughed at the same time making us laugh even more. Everyone looked at me and Mitchel strangely like they thought we were just going to like make out or something. Hello I'm only 15, I don't do that chiz.

"You two should date," Indi winked at me and Mitchel. I poked my tongue out at her.

"But then I'd be cheating on da Biebz!" I joked. Me and Indi laughed and the boys looked at us strangely, except Brock cos he's a good boy and looking the road while driving. I told Indi about my obsession with Justin Bieber when Christian had gone to the bathroom at lunch. When we stopped laughing, I remembered I didn't have my togs for the beach. "Hey, Brock, can you please take me home so I can get my togs?" I asked the oldest boy.

"Sure, where is it?" Brock replied.

"Just down the next road," I told him realizing where we were. Brock turned down my street and Luke pointed out to him my house. "Thanks," I smiled before jumping out the car. I ran inside and went up to my room. I found my strapless one piece togs and quickly put them on. I grabbed my beach dress and chucked it on top. My togs were black with pink spots and my dress was almost see through black and white striped and it came down to my knees. I decided to put my league shorts on over my togs since my thighs are disgusting. I wrote a note for mum and walked back out to the car with my phone and keys. I jumped in the car and we headed for Indi's house. When we got there she ran inside and got ready. She came back out in a singlet and shorts and I could see her black bikini strap going around her neck. "Hurry up!" I yelled jokingly. Indi laughed and rolled her eyes. She was just about at the car when she stopped and just stood there.

"What are you doing?" Christian asked his girlfriend. As soon as he finished speaking, Indi jumped into the car and landed on top of me and Tyrone.

"Oompf," I moaned as she landed on me. "Bloody hell, Indi, LOL! I sounded like Ron Weasley," I laughed. Harry Potter is my favourite movie series. Twilight can go die. Robert Pattinson was so much better as Cedric Diggory.

"Still obsessed with those movies?" Luke laughed.

"Hells yeah!" I exclaimed.

"How much sugar have you had today?" Tyrone asked me.

"Well in food we made treacle. That has a lot of sugar in it," I replied. "Ooh and I had like 10 chocolate bars,"

"Oh dear God," Tyrone sighed.

"Be scared, be very scared," I warned them. "Put on some music!" I told Brock. He turned the radio on and Little Mix was on. "I don't need no one saying HEY, HEY, HEY, HEY!" I chanted along with the song.

"Yay, we're home!" Christian exclaimed relieved.

"Indi, make sure Amelia doesn't get in too much trouble," Brock told my best friend. Brock looked at me with a warning glance which I replied with a innocent smile.

"You're going to help me cause trouble aye," I smiled at Indi.

"You know it," She replied with an evil grin.

"We need more sugar," I announced. Indi nodded and opened her back. She pulled out two small plastic packets and handed one to me. I looked down at the packet and saw it was popping candy. I opened it and poured the whole thing into my mouth. The candy started popping in my ears. "Bloody hell!" I laughed as the popping got quite loud.

"Christian left his phone in here," Indi pointed out. "Let's send a tweet," I grabbed Christian's phone and opened up Twitter.

@ChristianAntho: Silly Christian leaving his phone in the car with two sugar hyped girls #SillyChristian :P

I hit tweet and waited for all the replies. I looked at the first one.

@Chelseafc1997x: @ChristianAntho who are the two sugar hyped girls?

I decided to be awesome and tweet back.

@ChristianAntho: @Chelseafc1997x you will have to wait and find out ;)

I put Christian's phone back and found Luke's. I decided to tweet from that one too.

@Howelly123: I have the most awesomest cousins EVER! Love you sooo much @Amelia_C_Rose xxx

All of a sudden my phone started going crazy with Twitter notifications. So many Tonighters followed me. I looked back to house to see two annoyed looking boys and three amused looking boys walking towards the car. "Indi save me," I squealed jumping over the back seats into the boot. I huddled in the armadillo position until I heard the boot open. I looked up to see Mitchel and Tyrone looking down at me smiling.

"Watcha doin' in there?" Mitchel asked.

"Hiding from Lukey and Chrissy," I giggled. The two boys laughed and helped me out of the boot.

"You are one strange child," Tyrone told me. I smiled strangely.

"I know," I replied. "But that's why you love me," We walked back around to the doors to get in the car.

"It'a not like she tweeted anything bad," Indi told Christian.

"No more sugar for you two," Luke said pointing at me and Indi. We both pouted and sat in the car.

"Don't worry," Indi whispered in my ear. "Tyrone and Mitchel are hiding my secret stash as long as they can have some," I laughed.

"What's funny?" Luke asked turning back to look at me.

"I can't go to Pigfarts, it's on Mars," I copied Lauren Lopez from AVPM. "You need a rocket ship," Everyone started laughing.

"Pigfarts, Pigafarts, here I come," I sung. "Pigfarts, Pigfarts, yum, yum, yum,"

"You've had way to much sugar," Christian laughed.

"I wanna see what you're like drunk," Mitchel admitted.

"That's gotta be funny," Tyrone nodded.

"Guys, Amelia's fifteen, she's not getting drunk anytime soon," Luke interjected.

"Killjoy!" Me, Mitchel, Tyrone, Indi and Christian yelled.

"Four against one, ouch," Brock laughed.

A/N: This is a strange chapter lol. I was eating the lollies I got for Christmas while writing this and I had popping candy and that makes me go strange hehe. The twitter names I used are mine and my bff's so you should follow us!!!!!! I'm @Amelia_C_Rose and my bff is @Chelseafc1997x

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