Goodbye is the hardest word

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A/N: This is the second to last chapter :O I know it's short but I can't write long stories :/ I hope you enjoy it though (:


It was quiet at the hospital. Everyone was either asleep or too busy working to notice the man all dressed in black walking through the halls. He walked into a room that was crowded. There was a teenage girl lying unconscious in the bed with four teenage boys surrounding her. The heart monitor was beeping at a constant speed. The man pulled out a bottle of pills and quietly tip-toed around to the girl's side. He looked down at his niece and smirked before putting the whole bottle of pills in her mouth. She swallowed them automatically. The man quickly snuck out of the room before he was caught. He heard the heart monitor stop beating in time and instead beep in one continuous noise. He smiled to himself before leaving the hospital.


I was woken by a really annoying continuous beeping noise. I opened my eyes and instantly remembered I was in Amelia's hotel room and the beeping was her heart monitor. Her heart had stopped beating. I saw the other boys waking up in a panic. A whole bunch of doctors ran into the room and tried to save Amelia. I knew after 10 minutes of them being unsuccessful that she was gone. All the tears I had been holding back the past week were now pouring down my face. My beautiful cousin was gone. I couldn't think straight, I just collapsed to the ground and cried. I was vaguely aware of the other boys hugging me and crying. 

It took us three hours to stop crying and work up the courage to tell Mitch who was still in his hospital room, completely oblivious to what just happened. The four of us stood outside his room with our eyes shut just breathing, trying to control ourselves. Brock opened the door and we walked in quietly.

"Hey guys, what's up?" Mitch asked us. I could tell he noticed something was wrong. "Is Amelia ok?" He questioned nervously.

I took a shaky breath. "S-she's d-dead," I stuttered before breaking down into tears again.

"What? No, she can't be!" Mitch cried. "Please tell me you're lying!"

"Mate, we wouldn't lie about something like this," Brock told him softly. Brock guided me, Ty and Christian over to Mitch's bed where we all hugged and cried about losing our angel.

A/N: sorry it's short but I couldn't write any more cos I was almost in tears cos I get really emotional over things like this. So yea the next chapter is going to be the last and I hope you like it

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