Not The End

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Traveling in the back of the ambulance with Amelia on the verge of dying was the worst thing I could go through. The heart monitor suddenly beeped continuously indicating that Amelia's heart stopped. I completely freaked out. The paramedic came back and tried to revive her. It took a couple of goes but it worked. Amelia's heart was beating. I let out a sigh of relief and sat down again. We got to the hospital and they rushed Amelia in. I waited at the front entrance for Brock and Indi. While I was waiting, Christian walked up to me.

"How's Amelia?" Christian asked me.

"I don't know, she almost died in the ambulance," I managed to get out. "How about Mitch?"

"WHAT! Amelia almost died?!" Christian yelled in disbelief getting dirty stares from the receptionist.

I nodded numbly. "Is Mitch ok?" I asked again.

"Yeah, he's conscious now but the doctors kicked me out," Christian replied, obviously shaken after the news of Amelia.

Brock and Indi walked in. Christian and Indi ran to each other and enveloped each other in a hug. Brock just walked up to me.

"You ok, mate?" Brock asked me.

"I just watched one of my best friends almost die," I replied.

"What!?" Brock yelled. "Please don't tell me she's gone," I could see tears welling up in his eyes.

"The paramedic revived her but I don't know what's happening now," I replied. Tears were welling up in my eyes now too. I guess I was in too much shock before.

We waited for an hour before we got any news on Amelia. The doctor came out and told us she'd lost a lot of blood, 5 broken ribs, a broken arm and a small brain injury that wouldn't affect her that much but it's what's stopping her from waking up, meaning she could die. She's in ICU.

We were all crying by now. Amelia was the sweetest and funniest girl I'd ever met and know we were close to losing her.

Soon another doctor came out saying Mitchel wanted to see Amelia. Brock decided to go instead and tell him everything.


After the doctor left to get Amelia for me, I waited probably 10 minutes before someone walked in. Sadly that someone was not Amelia which made me scared for her.

"Where's Amelia?" I asked Brock.

Brock bit his lip and looked down at the floor.

"She's ok, right?" I questioned worriedly.

"She's in ICU, she has a brain injury that could kill her, if it doesn't she'll be ok," Brock told me.

It felt as though my heart stopped, but it hadn't cos I could still hear the heart monitor beeping.

"Take me to see her please," I begged Brock when I finally managed to get my voice back.

"You have to stay in here," Brock reminded me.

"I need to see Amelia!" I yelled at him.

"Mitch, you just got stabbed, you're not going anywhere." Brock said forcefully.

"Where's the others?" I asked Brock.

"They're out in the corridor," He replied.

"Why aren't they with Amelia?" I questioned.

"No one's allowed to visit her yet," Brock said.

I nodded. "Can you bring the others in please?"

Brock nodded and walked out to get them.

Christian was the first to run in and give me a huge hug. "I'm so glad you're ok," He told me.

He was followed in by Indi, Tyrone and Brock.

"Where's Luke?" I asked.

"He got arrested for beating the shit out of Dean," Ty told me.

"Please tell me Dean got arrested too," I almost begged.

"Of course he did," Indi replied. "He won't be allowed near you and Amelia again,"

I breathed a sigh of relief which hurt badly. I just hope Amelia's ok.

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