Down To Earth

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Once I had got home, I ran upstairs to my room and slammed the door. I put my headphones in and put my music on shuffle. The first song that came on was 'Down To Earth' by Justin Bieber. I've always loved Justin so I left the song on. I knew Mum was home from the sound of her yelling into the phone. Most probably at my dad. My parents broke up when I was five and mum wont let me see my dad or my younger brothers who were two at the time. I don't really talk to anyone anymore. I heard mums footsteps coming up the stairs. Shit mum was going to want to talk to me. I heard a knock on my door. "Go away," I mumbled into my pillow. I heard the door open and mum walked in. "I said go away!" I yelled as I lifted my head off the pillow and turned to face her. The song had just finished and I don't know why but I felt so much better. Better than I had felt for the last few months.

"Luke called," Mum told me. "He's at the police station," I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"Why's he there?" I asked.

"He got into a fight with Dean and the people that saw thought it was just an out of the blue fight so the called the police on Luke," Mum explained. "We're going to go get him now,"

"Have fun," I said not quite hearing her properly.

"I said we're going to go get him," She repeated emphasizing the 'we're'. I rolled off my bed and walked into the bathroom to wash my smuged makeup off. I looked into the mirror after I dried my face. I looked horrible. Pale white skin, badly dyed black hair and red eyes. Maybe everyone's right. I need to let go of the past and go back to my normal self and that means learning to trust people. I quickly applied some foundation to my skin to cover the redness of my cheeks then over top of that I applied some bronzer so I don't look as pale. I decided to put on some brown eyeliner and pink lipgloss. I ran into my room and got changed into a pair of dark purple, distressed, waist high jeans and a floral bodice. I'm glad I still fit the tops I got before I changed. I grabbed a pair of my favourite black ankle boots with a 2 inch heel and went downstairs to see mum. "That's a nice change," Mum smiled. I smiled back which caught mum off guard. "I've missed that smile," Mum told me as she kissed the top of my head.

"Can you please book me a hair appointment?" I asked.

"Sure thing honey," Mum replied. "I'll do it once we get home,"

"Thanks mum," I smiled again. Mum put her arm around my shoulder and we walked out to the car. I turned the radio on and guess who was playing? One Direction. I decided to give them a chance and listen to their music. To be honest they're pretty good. I guess it was just the lyrics that pissed me off when I was feeling really down about life. Mum must have noticed me enjoying the music.

"Who are you and what have you done with my daughter?" She joked.

"I am an alien exchange student," I carried on the joke, something I haven't done in a while.

"I knew a day out with the boys would change you," Mum smiled. "It was Mitchel wasn't it," I saw mum wink at me.

"He is cute," I admitted. "And I couldn't help but smile when I was around him and Christian," I could feel myself blushing just thinking about it.

"Luke and I both had a feeling you would like Mitchel," Mum added. I rolled my eyes and went back to listening to the radio. Now Justin Bieber was playing. I honestly love this guy. It wasn't long before we got to the police station where Luke was being held. I wasn't sure if the other boys were here too or if they had gone somewhere else. My question was answered when I walked in the door and saw Luke all by himself. The police officers probably wouldn't let them come. I ran over to Luke and gave him a hug.

"Thank you," I whispered into his chest.

"You know I'm always going to stick up for you against guys," Luke told me.

"No, for dragging me out of the house this morning," I explained. "And for giving Dean a good ass kicking," I laughed as I said the last sentence.

"He deserved it," Luke said laughing with me. "Wanna come over to Christian's?" Luke asked me as we both pulled away from our cousinly hug.

"Sure," I smiled.

"YAY!" Luke exclaimed causing people to stare. "She's smiling again!" I rolled my eyes at his childishness and we walked over to mum.

"Now Luke," Mum said. "As much as I love you sticking up for Amelia against a slimebag like Dean, no more getting into fights," Luke nodded and we headed out to the car. Luke told mum where Christian's house was, turns out it's not far from mine, and she dropped us off there. As we said bye to mum, four guys came running out of the house we were parked at. I laughed as me and Luke were engulfed in hugs from Mitchel, Christian, Brock and Tyrone. 

"Who wants to go to the park?" Christian hugged as he flipped his hair.

"LEGGO!" I yelled laughing. I felt someones arm wrap around my shoulder. I looked to my right and saw Luke standing there.

"Good to have you back, Amelia," He smiled.

A/N: YAY JUSTIN BIEBER HELPED AMELIA GET BETTER!! :D So hope you enjoyed that chapter next chapter will mainly be about Amelia and Mitchel ;) Bye lovelies <4 

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