Freak Out!!!!!

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A/N: I don't like that last chapter haha not cos of how I wrote it, just cos of what's in it... Lol but here's the next chapter (:


I barely saw Mitch pull Dean off me, it all happened so fast. I saw the knife enter Mitch's stomach (A/N: And I'm freaking out again omfg!!!!! Why am I writing this!!!!) and I screamed out his name as he collapsed to the ground. Tears rolled down my blood covered face. 

The door to the room swung open with a bang and Luke rushed in followed by Brock and Tyrone. 

Dean went to go stab Luke with the knife but Luke managed to grab his wrist and make him drop the knife.  

Luke pushed Dean against the wall while Brock crouched next to Mitch and called an ambulance and Tyrone helped me out of the room. 

"Don't help me," I told him. "Help Mitch, he needs it more," 

"There's nothing much we can do for Mitch until the ambulance gets here," Tyrone said softly. 

"What if they're too late," I sobbed. 

Tyrone wrapped his arms around me comfortingly. "Everything is going to be alright," 

I leaned into his chest and cried. 

"Mitchel's strong, he'll be fine," Tyrone comforted me. 

I continued to cry. I heard ambulance sirens getting closer. Soon the medics were running through the house. A couple stopped at me and Ty but I told them to go to Mitch first.  

I watched as the medics carried Mitch out on a stretcher. His white top was stained with blood. 

I hid my face back in Ty's chest unable to look at my unconscious boyfriend anymore. 

Ty rubbed comforting circles on my back. 

"Excuse me miss," One of the medics said to me. "Can we please examine you now," 

I pulled away from Ty and nodded my head. 

"Do you need someone to see to you, sir?" The medic asked Ty. 

I looked at him and saw a huge blood stain on his top. 

"Oh, no, I'm fine," He smiled. "This is just from Amelia leaning on me," 

The medic nodded and started examining all my injuries. 

I had multiple cut and bruises on my face, stomach, chest, arms and legs. I had five broken ribs and a broken arm. 

"Is Mitch ok?" I asked the medic. 

"He will live," She told me. "He also has two broken ribs," 

I took a breath of relief which really hurt because of my broken ribs. 

We were interrupted by the police barging in and going straight down to where Dean was with Luke and Brock. 

"When Dean was stabbed, the knife missed all the vital organs which is a really good thing, he's just lost a lot of blood," The medic told me. 

"Told you he'd be alright," Tyrone smiled. 

The police came back through holding a bloody Dean, who was handcuffed, and dragging Luke, who was also handcuffed.  

Brock followed behind and sat with me and Tyrone. 

"Why's Luke in handcuffs?" I asked Brock. 

"He pinned Dean on the ground and held the knife to his throat when the police walked in and for beating him up," Brock explained. 

"Luke was just defending me and Mitch though," I protested. I was angry at the police. 

"They need us to give an official statement about what happened," Brock told us. 

"Where's Christian?" I asked knowing how much he'll freak out when he finds out about what happened to Mitch considering they're closest out of the whole band. 

"He's outside with Indi," Tyrone said. "He's probably in the ambulance with Mitch," 

I nodded. "Can we go out now please? I don't exactly want to be in here any longer," 

Brock and Tyrone both nodded and helped me up. 

It hurt trying to walk so Ty ended up carrying me out gently. 

When we got out, Ty carefully placed me on a stretcher.  

I saw Luke getting shoved into a police car. I couldn't see Mitch anywhere, or Christian. But Indi was there. 

"Oh my God!" Indi yelled running over to where I was. "Are you ok, Amelia?" 

I nodded slowly. "It'a not as bad as last time," I told her. 

"I was so scared when I saw Mitch come out unconscious," Indi admitted. "I thought it was going to be a million times worse with you but I'm glad it's not," She said giving me a careful hug. 

"Is Christian ok?" Brock asked Indi. 

"He's in shock, I think," Indi replied. "He went with Mitch in the ambulance," 

Another medic came and started wheeling me into the ambulance. "Do you want someone to go with you?" He asked. 

I nodded. 

"I'll go," Ty offered. "Brock, you and Indi can drive to the hospital and we'll meet you there," 

Brock and Indi nodded. 

"I'm glad you're ok," Brock told me. 

"Thanks Brockkie," I smiled. 

Tyrone climbed in the ambulance and the medic closed the doors.  

"We're going to take you to the hospital and get you fully checked over and you will need stitches," The medic explained. "You will have to stay there for a while," 

I nodded. I was getting really sleepy. I could feel my eyes closing. 

"Don't fall asleep, Amelia," Tyrone told me. 

"I'm so tired," I mumbled. 

"I know, but you need to stay awake," Tyrone cooed. 

"I can't," I whispered before closing my eyes and letting myself fall unconscious. I was vaguely aware of the beeping increasing on the heart monitor I was hooked up to. Then I couldn't hear anything.

A/N: Short but exciting chapter, well if you find this kind of shiz exciting. I guess it's more intense. 

Ok just a random question here: does anyone else have an obsession with McFly???? And not just their song love is easy, but their old ones too like That Girl and Room On The 3rd Floor??? I love those songs (: 

Anyway hope you enjoyed the chapter (: please comment and vote (:

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