Drop Dead For Your Love <3

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A/N: Ok so this is a sad chapter (mainly Mitchel's POV) I don't know why I'm writing something like this but watching Home and Away sort of gave me inspiration for what happens so Yeaa anyway enjoy (:


It's been a week since Amelia left us all for Dean. We've all been hurt by it but Mitchel and Luke have been hurt the most. As sorry as I feel for them, I'm just glad it's not my Indi that this happened to. I was sitting at school when I saw Dean walking past. Amelia hadn't been at school since she went off with that asshole though I would expect she would be with him. I decided to confront him. "Oi, Dean!" I shouted getting his attention.

He saw me and walked over. "What do you want blondie?" He spat.

"Where's Amelia?" I asked.

"Since when was this any of your business?" Dean said getting in my face.

"Since she was my friend," I replied while getting in his face.

"Wouldn't think she was your friend after what she's been telling me," He smirked.

"And what's she been saying?" I questioned.

"I don't think it would be a good idea to tell you,"Dean winked before walking off. It was so obvious he was lying.

I decided to make it my mission to find Amelia.

"Everything ok?" Indi asked as she walked up to me.

"I need to know what Dean's done to Amelia," I told her.

"I'll help," Indi smiled.

I wrapped my arms around her in a hug and kissed the top of her head. "You're amazing," I told her.

•••••AFTER SCHOOL•••••

"Dude, we have to find her," I told Luke.

"It's obvious Amelia wants that asshole more than us," Luke said as he flopped down on his couch.

"I doubt that," I raised my eyebrows at him.

"Why else would she leave with him?" Luke questioned.

"He probably threatened her," I answered. "Look, I know Dean better than you, he's a major ass and I know Amelia wouldn't ever go back to him unless she had to,"

"Ok, follow Dean tomorrow after school and he might lead you to where he's supposedly keeping Amelia," Luke instructed. "Then tell me and I will go and look for her,"

I nodded. "Have you heard from Mitch since he went back to Cairns?" I asked.

Luke shook his head. "I was hoping you had,"


I never made it back to Cairns. Dean grabbed me at the airport and took me somewhere. I don't know where but I'm pretty sure it's the same place that Amelia is. I think I've heard her voice but I could just be hallucinating after missing her so much. I was sitting in the room Dean kept me in when the door swung open and Dean dragged me into a downstairs room and threw me on the ground. I looked around the room and saw someone in the corner. She had long black hair that was all messed up. I couldn't see her face as it was covered in hair and blood but I knew it was Amelia. I tried to crawl over to her but Dean kicked me in the ribs.

"Stay there," He growled through his teeth.

I did as I was told and lay there on the ground. It's not like I could move anyway after Dean kicked me. It felt like one of my ribs had broken.

Dean walked over to Amelia and pulled her up by her hair. "Since you won't do what I want when I hurt you, maybe you'll act differently when it's your pathetic boyfriend that's getting hurt," He smirked.

"Leave him out of this," Amelia mumbled. I had a feeling she couldn't talk much louder than that. It made me want to cry seeing what Dean did to her.

Dean shook his head and punched Amelia in the stomach.

I took a deep breath which hurt so bad. I managed to get on my hands and knees and eventually up on my feet. I walked over to Dean and pulled him off Amelia.

Dean spun around and I noticed he was holding a knife.

I tried to move away but I was too late. I felt a stabbing pain in the bottom of my stomach. I started seeing black spots before everything went black. The last thing I heard was Amelia screaming my name.

A/N: holy shit!!! I'm sorry!!!!!!!!! Omg okay why am I freaking out haha I know what happens next :o Ok get it together Amelia hahah ok lol so... Yep everything is going to get better I promise (: sorry about the freak out haha I'm weird :P so Yeaa hoped you enjoyed it as much as you can enjoy Mootchi getting stabbed OMFG FREAKING OUT AGAIN!!!!!! This is what I was like when Casey got stabbed on Home and Away haha ok I'm going to go now haha byee xx

Help Me (What About Tonight fanfic ~ Mitchel Cave love story)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα