Unicorns poop rainbows

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A/N: since i got more than double what i asked for in votes i decided to update before the comments (: sorry about the chapter titles haha don't know what to put and just having chapter blah blah is sort of boring for this story so Yeaa... If you have any chapter title ideas just comment them and I will change it. This goes for all chapters so yea (: enjoy xx

P.S the end of this chapter has a bit of swearing well all the chapter does but the last bit has the most so be warned. It also has some violence and it's leading up to something that could be painful for you to read but I'm not going to fully include it. But if you are easily affected by things about abuse I suggest you don't read the last part (: wow that's a long a/n haha


"What the fuck do you want, Dean?" I asked my ex once we got outside the hotel.

"I think you know what I want," He snarled.

"Look, Dean, you're a great guy, wait, no you're not," I said. "You're a total ass, just let me go back to my friends and boyfriend,"

Dean replied by punching me in the stomach. "Bitch you are mine now, I will pay you back for dumping me," He growled in my ear. Dean held a cloth to my mouth and everything went black.



I was woken up by Luke and Amelia running around the hotel room. I opened my eyes and saw them run out to the hall way. I quickly put on a top and some pants (I was sleeping in boxers) and followed them. I saw Luke rush down the stairs and Amelia jump in the elevator. The doors to the elevator closed before I had the chance to get in so I ran down the stairs behind Luke. Ok so I didn't run cos I didn't want to fall, so I got there quite a bit after Luke.

"What about Mitch?" Luke asked someone.

"Tell him I'm sorry," Amelia replied.

"Amelia, wait!" I called running out of the stairwell. "What the fuck just happened?" I asked Luke.

"Dean just took your girlfriend," Luke snapped.

"And she let him?" I questioned.

Luke nodded. "Obviously she wanted him back,"

It took all I had to not break right then and there. I thought Amelia liked me. Maybe I was a rebound after Dean. But why would she want to go back to that ass when she deserves someone better.

Luke started retreating back to the elevator and I followed.

Maybe when I go back to Cairns tomorrow I can forget all about it. But then again, Amelia isn't the type of person that is easy to forget about.


When I came to, I noticed I was in some room that had three small holes that light and air came through. I walked over to the holes and looked outside. There was nothing there but bush. Fabulous. Not really but yah know, what's life without a bit of sarcasm?

The door to the room opened and Dean walked in. "My playmate is finally awake," He smirked.

Fuck, not this again. "I'm not going to do anything you say end of," I spat knowing exactly what he was going to do.

"It will be less painful for you if you cooperate," Dean snarled.

"I don't give a shit. Hurt me all you want but you can't make me do jack shit!" I yelled.

Dean replied by slapping me across the face. "Don't be a bitch or I will do much worse," He threatened.

"I will be a bitch all I want!" I growled.

Dean grabbed out a knife and held it to my throat. "If you know what's good for you, you would do what I say,"

"But that wouldn't be good for me now would it," I smart-assed back.

Dean brought the knife down to my waist and cut me.

I bit my lip so I wouldn't scream out from the pain.

"I can do so much worse than that," Dean threatened before storming out.

A/N: Wow the chapter title seems way to happy for the chapter haha. Remember to comment a chapter title you think would be better and one for the next chapter too (: I'm going to do this for every chapter so comment and I will also dedicate each chapter to the person whos title I choose (:

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