Forced Against My Will

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A/N: To the readers of my other fanfics, I'm really sorry if you were enjoying them before I deleted them but I had no idea of what to write :( hopefully this story will stay and you like this one just as much as my old ones :)x Love you guys <4

"Do I have to go?" I asked my older cousin, Luke, as he dragged me out of my bedroom. My music was still playing on full volume in my room. I was listening to 'Diamonds Aren't Forever' by Bring Me The Horizon. I'm not surprised if you haven't heard of them, they're a screamo band.

"Yes you do," Luke replied. "Your mum told me I had to get you out of the house and what better way than to take you to the movies with my band," I rolled my eyes. Luke is in a boyband called What About Tonight. I'm pretty sure you've heard of them.

"What are we seeing?" I asked.

"Paranormal Activity 4," Luke told me. I wanted to see that movie. I love the other three.

"Can I get dressed?" I asked as I struggled to break free from Luke's grip on my wrist.

"Ok," He said as he released my wrist. I quickly ran into my room and grabbed out my ripped, white top with a huge black skull on the front and my black ripped jeans. I went to my closet and grabbed out my black 14 hole doc martins and got changes into my outfit. I went to my dresser and put on my silver skull ring and my black cross necklace. Finally I went into my bathroom and applied a thick line of eyeliner and put on some mascara. Before you ask, I'm not emo. Call me that and I will get very pissed very fast. I quickly brushed my black, waist length hair and put some of my purple colour bug on the ends. If you don't know what colour bug is, it's like a hair chalk that you put in your hair for highlights and stuff. I looked in the mirror one last time and walked back out to where Luke was waiting. "Wow, you've changed a lot since I last saw you," Luke said when I walked out. I hadn't seen Luke in ages since I moved to Sydney from Gold Coast.

"That's cool," I said sarcastically rolling my eyes.

"What did that Dean kid do to you?" He asked.

"None of your business," I snapped. I hated talking about it.

"C'mon Amelia, I just want to know what he did to change you so much," Luke said softly.

"Well, maybe I just don't want to fucking talk about it!" I yelled as I stormed off out the door. I got into Luke's car and he followed shortly after.

"Look, Amelia, I'm sorry," He said looking at me.

"Just drive," I snapped. Luke sighed and started up the car. I turned the radio and One Direction started playing. "Are you fucking kidding me," I muttered turning the radio off again.

"Hey, I like that song," Luke said reaching over to turn the radio back on.

"It's absolutely shit!" I exclaimed.

"Out of all the girls that could hate One Direction, it had to be my cousin," Luke joked. I just stared at him blankly. "I'm joking!" He defended. I got my iPhone out of my pocket and started playing 'Fuck' by Bring Me The Horizon. It's way better than any One Direction song. "What's that crap?" Luke asked pointing at my iPhone.

"Music," I replied quickly.

"No it's shit, turn it off," Luke instructed, I ignored him and kept listening nodding my head along with the beat. "Honestly Amelia, why are you difficult all of a sudden, turn that shit off," Luke was almost yelling.

"Why so you can put your shitty One Direction crap back on?" I snapped.

"You're 15, Amelia, you shouldn't be acting like this," Luke said quietly.

"So how should I act?" I asked rhetorically. "Like every other One Direction obsessed girl? I'm sorry I'm not the cousin you wanted," Since what happened between me and Dean, it didn't take much to get me pissed. 

"Amelia, you are the cousin I want," Luke said pulling over to the side of the road. "It's just that you've changed so much," I rolled my eyes and sat further back into my seat. "You used to be all happy and smiley now you're all grumpy and no fun,"

"Well you better get used to it cos this is me," I told him.

"No it's not, you're still that same girl that loves life, it's just deeper to find now," Luke said.

"Can we just go to the movies?" I asked. I hate it when people tell me I've changed. My mum says it all the time. Luke obviously took the hint that I don't want to talk about it since he didn't ask any more questions. When we finally got to the movies Luke ran over to four other guys that I recognised from TV. They were the other four members of What About Tonight. I knew the blond one, Christian, from school. He's in a couple of my classes but I doubt he recognises me.

"Guys this is my cousin, Amelia," Luke introduced me.

"Hey don't you go to my school?" Christian asked. So he does recognise me. I nodded in reply. "Never would have guessed you're Luke's cousin," He laughed.

"Aren't you friends with Dean?" I asked him.

"Hell no!" Christian exclaimed. "He wants me to be in his little gang now that I'm in the band but I've heard he's a dick,"

"Well you're looking at proof of his work," I said quietly.

"Wait, are you the chick he's bragging about turning emo?" Christian asked wide eyed.

"I'm not fucking emo!" I snapped and stormed off. I hate it when people call me emo. I got out my iPhone and headphones and played 'Perfect Weapon' by Black Veil Brides. I closed my eyes and let myself sink into the music. I was vaugly aware of the presence of someone standing in front of me. I couldn't hear anything because of the volume of my music. I opened my eyes to see Christian sitting down next to me. I took out my headphone closest to him. "What?" I asked bluntly.

"Look, I didn't mean to upset you like that," Christian told me. "I'm sorry,"

"It's all good," I forgave him. "It's not like you knew anyway,"

"Friends?" He asked standing up and offering me a hand up.

"Sure," I smiled taking his hand. Wow I smiled. I hadn't done that since what happened with Dean. We walked back to the others and Luke introduced me to Mitchel, Tyrone and Brock. When Mitchel looked at me and smiled I couldn't help but smile back. What the fuck is this? I've smiled twice in one day after not smiling for months. Brock went and brought our movie tickets and popcorn and me, Christian and Mitchel went to the supermarket to get some drinks. Christian got the boys cokes and I grabbed myself a Nos energy drink. Mitchel ran off to grab some lollies and came back with about twenty bags. He stood in front of me and Christian and a couple of bags fell of the pile making us laugh.

"Go put a couple bags back," Christian said laughing.

"But I can't choose what ones to get," Mitchel whined.

"Want me to help?" I asked laughing.

"Please," Mitchel smiled cheekily. I rolled my eyes and followed him back to the lolly isle.

"Keep the Haribo's and the maltesers," I told him grabbing those bags from his arms.

"What about sour snakes?" Mitchel suggested.

"If you like them," I told him.

"What, don't you like sour snakes?" Mitchel asked. I shook my head. "How can you not like sour snakes?" He asked shocked.

"I just don't like sour lollies," I told him.

"Weirdo," Mitchel teased.

"You know it," I winked making both of us laugh.

"Haven't heard that sound in a while," A familiar voice said from behind me. I turned around to be face to face with Dean Smith.  

A/N: And there is chapter One of my new fanfic :D Can I just say, my name might be Amelia but I have completly different opinions on One Direction. I also like screamo music which is what all the songs Amelia is listening to. The songs I used I was actually listening to at the time of writing :)x Hope you like it <4

Help Me (What About Tonight fanfic ~ Mitchel Cave love story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora