Meow... honestly I don't know....

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"OMG I WANNA DANCE! INDI COME DANCE WITH ME!" I shouted after I had finished my fourth energy drink.

Everyone, but me and Indi, were sprawled all over the floor trying to get to sleep. Keyword; trying.

I was way to buzzed to be trying to sleep. I ran into the bathroom and got changed into my unicorn onesie. When I came out I was walking on my hands and knees. "I'M THE PRETTIEST UNICORN OF THEM ALL!" I announced. I crawled up to Luke who smacked me in the face with a pillow. I sat back on my knees.

"Amelia, go to sleep," He whined.

"Oh, c'mon Lukey," Indi laughed. "It's your fault for letting her have the energy drinks."

"I didn't let her have them, she just drank them," Luke defended.

"Yeah, but you didn't stop her," Christian added sleepily.

"If I don't get my beauty sleep, I'm blaming you Luke," Brock joked.

"Amelia, go sleep in the bathtub," Luke mumbled.

"Is that really how you treat a unicorn?" I pouted.

"Is that how you treat special unicorns?" Mitch added wrapping his arms around my waist.

"She is denfinitely special," I heard Tyrone mumble.

"Everyone just go to sleep," Luke groaned.

I meowed and went back into the bathroom.

"What are you doing?" Mitch asked me.

"Sleeping in the bathtub like Lukey told me too," I replied climbing into the tub. Bathtubs are so not comfy.

I heard everyone laugh except Luke cos he was being a grumpy bum. I quickly fell asleep and dreamt about rainbow kittens and marshmallows. Maybe it isn't such a good idea for me to have energy drinks and lots of sugar before bed.


I woke up to cold water surrounding me in the bathtub. I opened my eyes just in time to see Luke running out of the bathroom. I jumped out the bath and chased my idiotic cousin around the hotel room. "Luke, you got my onesies soaked," I whined.

Luke just kept on running and laughing. He ended up running out of the room.

I ran after him in my soaking wet unicorn onesies. I got some strange looks from people coming out of their rooms but I didn't care.

I saw Luke escape down the stairs so I decided to take the elevator to beat him. When I got down to the lobby I stopped when I saw who was there.

"I wasn't exactly expecting to see you being a unicorn," Dean chuckled.

I tried to run back to the elevator but Dean grabbed my wrist and pulled me back to him so we were face to face.

"Dean, leave Amelia alone," I heard Luke.

"Tell him you want to be with me," Dean whispered harshly in my ear. "Do it or I will hit you so hard,"

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I opened my eyes again and turned to face Luke. "Luke, don't, I told him to come here, I want to be with him again," I lied.

"Even after what that fucker did to you?" Luke spat.

I nodded. I tried to tell him no with my facials but it didn't work.

"What about Mitch?" Luke questioned.

"Tell him I'm sorry," I replied before Dean dragged me out the hotel.


A/N: DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dean is a jerk haha (he's actually based on one of my ex's but he didn't do that stuff to me he's just a jerk)

Imma start doing 5+ comments and 3+ votes for next chapter (: thank you all for reading

Loves xx ~Ameliaa xx

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