Akaashi's house

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I arrive at akaashi's house and knock on the door. A lady with long black hair, and eyes like that of akaashi's opened the door. "Hello there young man. Can I help you?" I think for a minute to remember what akaashi's classmates said his dead name was that day.

"Hi! I'm looking for kunuki, is she home?" I internally cringe at saying that. Akaashi's name isn't kunuki, its keiji. And HE'S a BOY. 

"She isn't here." She says, and slams the door in my face. I'm about to leave when I hear a tapping coming from somewhere. It sounds like a fingernail on glass. I walk around as the noise gets louder and hen quieter signaling I've walked past the source. As it gets to its loudest point I look down to see akaashi in a basement window. I crouch down worried, and his expression seems to soften slightly as he sees he's caught my attention. Tears stream down his face as he places his hand on the glass. I can't see much but from what I can see, he doesn't appear to have a shirt on, or anything on his torso, and there's bruises all over his face and I see marks on his neck, collarbone and shoulders. What happened? He's speaking but it's muffled, so I try and read his lips.

"Help... Trapped... Scared... out..." Is what I make out, and I nod in understanding. I slowly mouth the words "I'll be back." And leave to get what I need.

I call up kuroo and explain what's going on, and for him to drive me and akaashi. I need to get him to a doctor, and find out what happened to him. make sure he's alright. I dont have a car, and I need to be ready to leave at a moments notice, so having kuroo drive is easiest. 

They've locked him up. 

So I'm breaking him out tonight.

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