kuroo finds out

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Me and kenma end up staying up till 3 am, building a base and landmarks all around. we decided, why not have a nice world we can play in more? We made mini games, and some parcore. We even made some secret bases. Kenma made an entire room, tamed all the cats in a village we found, (yes ALL of them) and just made a cat room. He put a sign over the door that said "nekoma." Then he got enough emeralds from mining and trading to get enough name tags for each cat. He then named each cat after a member of his team. I laughed, and kenma glared at me. "I'm sorry kenma, I just wasent expecting that." He rolled his eyes, and we continued playing. He had enough cats for everyone on his team, minus himself. He said he didnt want a clone of himself. 

we chatted while playing, and I ended up staying for the weekend since it was saturday. But I had to call my mom. "Okay, so my mom thinks I'm staying with my ex friend naiomi this weekend. If she found out I was handing out with a guy, shed freak. if she found out I was hanging out with a gay guy, shed ground me for the rest of my life. if she found out I'm also a gay man, she'd kill me, and her and my dad would just erase my exitance and have another kid."

"Okay, few questions. One, how old is your mom, to still be able to have kids?"

"shes 36. she had me at 19."

"Okay. Why would she ground you forever or kill you?" I go quiet for a minute.

"Both my parents are trans/homophobic, and if I came out, I don't know what would happen. But I know it would be bad."

"Okay. Why are you and this girl ex friends?"

"well... I came out at my school in middle school, during 3rd year. even before then I was binding, because I always knew. But after I came out, I was being bullied badly. There was only a staff member who was there for me, and she helped me a lot. But after I came out, all my friends abandoned me. Tch. Some friends they were, huh?" I say. Kenma nods. "News of it never reached my parents, lucky for me. But I never told my parents, so they still think I'm friends with her."

"let me be the first to say, thank god you got those hoes out of your life." We laughed and went back to our game. We beat the ender dragon around 5 am, and crashed soon after. 

We woke up around 8, and I offered to make some food. kenma agreed and went and set the table, then placed some bread in the toaster. As I finished up the eggs, the toast finished and popped out the toaster. kenma grabbed the toast and set it on the plates, as he brought it over to me, so I could put the eggs on it. Placing the pan and spatula in the sink, we went and ate our food. We mostly just talked about games and anime while we ate. kenma let me have the first shower, telling me that kuroo and bokuto wanted to meet up at an arcade. "maybe their finally asking us out." I joked. kenma laughed.

"As if." we both laughed, and I grabbed my clothes and bandages, after shooting my mom a text that I was staying over at naiomis for the weekend, and I was gonna stop by home to grab a clean uniform, and some more clothes. she said okay, not really caring. Id stop by after the hang out with kuroo and bokuto. I told this to kenma, and he said he'd keep them busy if I wanted to go later and they were still around. I thanked him and headed off to the bathroom. kenma decided to go ahead and shower in the upstairs bathroom, while I shower downstairs. 

After 15 minutes, I get out and dry off. I start to get dressed, pulling on my boxers and pants. I do my own laundry, so my parents dont know that I have these. Thing is though, I can only find binders online, and my parents track everything bought online like a hawk. Hence why I bind with bandages. I start wrapping them, and after a minute, I'm finished. I grab my shirt and I'm about to put it on when the door opens. I didnt even realize I left it unlocked. SHIT! My shirt falls out of my hands as I snap my head to face who it was, my eyes will of fear. 

Its kuroo.

He seems surprised. "Okay, few things, one I'm sorry I didn't knock, I thought the bathroom was empty since kitten leaves the light on all the time, but its locked when he's inside. I saw the unlocked door and just assumed, and I'm sorry. Two, akaashi, your trans?" I dont know what to say, or how to react. I shakily nod. "Okay then. Cool."

 I realize something. If kuroo is here then that means... "Wait is bokuto-san here?!" I ask sacred. kuroo chuckles. 

"Nah, he'll be here in a few. Hes finishing up the dishes at his place." I sigh in relief. Grabbing the shirt I dropped, I slip it on and head out kuroo going into the bathroom behind me as I leave. I turn on the tv, and go to netflix, turning on fairytail. I skip to were I was, and continue watching. Kuroo comes out of the bathroom after a few minutes and sits down next to me, but not too close. "So, I'm guessing bokuto dosent know." I shake my head. "Mind telling me why?"

"If you promise not to tell him, I will." kuroo holds up his right hand, left hand over his heart.

"I swear I wont tell a soul." I sigh. Am I really about to tell him? yes. yes I am.

"I like bokuto-san. And I don't want him to become disgusted with me. And so, I dont want to tell him. I dont want him to ever find out if I cant help it." Its silent for a minute, except the tv playing. 

"I think you should tell him. I'm not gonna force you to, but one day, you should."

"... I'll... I'll think about it. But not right now."

"Okay! I'm gonna assume kenma knows though." I nod. "Alright. Anyways bokuto should be here any-" kuroo is interrupted by the door slamming open.

"HEY HEY HEY!" Bokuto yells out in a cherry voice, slamming the door behind him as he enters. And now, this chaotic weekend can begin at last. 

well, once kenma comes down that is. 

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