Kissing You; Chapter 18; Karma Is A...

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For All My Baby Dollss & My Extremely Hawt Hotties!!!<3;)

Kissing You; Chapter 18;

Soreness cries all over my body as the lustrous sun pierces through the glass windows, and interrupts my sleepy eyes. I feel a hard pressure on top of my chest and I feel remarkably light weighted, almost as if..I'm not wearing...any clothes. I dart my eye open and I'm welcomed by Kyle's messy but yet gorgeous hair tickling under my chin. That's right, I remember, Kyle stayed the night and things got hot and heavy overnight. I try to gently move his head away from my exposed breasts but quickly stop when I hear him groan. Not only is his head on my chest, his whole body is pinning me down on my tortured double bed.

"Where do you think you're going?" he mumbles as I try to slide my bare leg off the bed and grab onto my morning robe that's hung up on the wall only a few centimetres away from me.

"I was just reaching for my robe, but you had me pinned down pretty hard on the bed."

"Well maybe if you didn't erotically seduce me last night, they'll be no reason for you to be pinned down today," he huskily remarks with his deep sexy voice.

It's true what they say. A boy's sleepy voice is seriously the sexist shit ever!

"What can I say? You bring out my hidden desires."

He smiles at me then reaches up and strokes the side of my face. Then flops his hands back down and attempts to close his eyes again. Oh no you don't!

"You're not seriously thinking of going bed are you?" He groans and turns his head away from me. "Kyle! What if my Mom comes in?!"

"Well then you can hide me underneath your silky satin covers," he mumbles.

"Has anyone ever told you, you're pretty hilarious co-." I pause and freeze when I hear footsteps approaching the door.

"Sasha!" I hear the prostitute whore call from outside my room.

Oh shit! she's coming in. I look around for options, but only one pops into my head. He can't see him, he can't see him! I quickly shove Kyle off the bed so he lands with a loud thump on the floor then drag the covers to hide my naked self, just as my Mom enters the room. God! She could of at least knocked. She looks different, her hair is up, she's in her sleeping gown and she's holding out the house phone to me.

"Lara on the phone," she quietly whispers as she indicates the phone with her long pointy finger. I stare at her, not breathing a word. "Well then come and get it," she snaps.

"I can't! I'm kind of...low in clothes," I quietly whisper in embarrassment and I can hear the faint sound of Kyle sniggering from the floor. Yeah! He knows best to stay there.

She kisses her teeth then throws the phone towards me. I tuck the covers underneath my chin so my hands are free for me to catch the smooth, cold phone. She quickly exits the room and shuts it behind her just as Kyle pops up from the floor with his jeans already on. I hold the phone up to my ear then push a strand of hair behind it. "Hello?"

"Hey honey, I haven't spoken to you for a while. How have you been?" Lara screams down the phone. Don't worry, I'm getting kind of used to her screaming for no reason.

"Um yeah I'm fine thanks. Just getting up and ready for school."

Kyle crawls onto the bed with a lascivious smirk on his hot face. He bites his lip at me and I can't help but smirk at him back, completely unaware that I'm still on the phone to my best friend. He slides himself under the blanket then slowly moves his hand up and down my leg, around my shin and calve muscles.

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