Kissing You; Chapter 29; We Both Need More Pt1/2

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Heyy my baby boos!!!! Have you missed me? OF COURSE You have! Here it is; Chapter 29 Part 1/2 - PLEASE, VOTE, COMMENT, FAN/FOLLOW! Hope you enjoy! Editing later on today =D

Kissing You; Chapter 29; Part 1/2

I've been ticking everyday slowly as the baby grows bigger and bigger inside me. The clock ticks in silence as my body aches for freedom. I tap my pen against the desk then rest my cheek on my sweaty palm. The painful sound of the chalk scraping against the black board kills my ears and don't even get me started on how hot it is in here. Try being six month pregnant, trying to hide it by wearing over-sized sweatshirts in the middle of May and still in high school.

It was only three months ago when I found out I was pregnant and my boyfriend wanted me to get rid of it but something changed him...he wanted me to keep her for the both of us. I'm the one in suffering, no one knows about my six month old baby bump apart from Kyle and sure hope none of the kids notice before summer vacation.

I feel the urge to shove my books off the desk and sleep right here and now. My eyes begin to close but an object hitting my back startles me a little. I look on the floor and there lies a small scrunched up piece of paper. I make sure the teacher is turned away before I reach for the paper. My fingers only brush off the top. The huge bump resist against my bending and prevents me from reaching any further. Oh lord no! Come on Sasha, just strain some more then you'll be able to grab the paper. My muscles strain and contract and the more I push myself, the last breath I have left to breathe. Who would of thought, reaching for a piece of paper while pregnant could of been so difficult.

After numerous attempts, I finally grasp the paper in my hand then let out a deep exhale of relief. I sit back upright and read the note:

Stay awake ;). T, x

I smile before turning around to face Texas who has a huge grin on her face. Just then someone enters the class room. Probably one of those tenth graders. The boy walks up to my teacher and hands her note which she quickly reads. I wonder what its about. She looks up at me straight after she's finished reading.

"Sasha, the principle would like to see you in her office," she quietly explains with her soft husky voice. What now? She already excluded both me and Kyle for a week because of the fight that happened a few month ago. And since then I've been a good girl.

Lexi's still in hospital and Jacob is nowhere to be seen. I slowly get up from my chair, collect my things then exit the classroom. I make my way up to the principle's office, and she looks more than ready when I take a seat opposite her. I look around the room for inspiration as she taps her finger repeatedly against her chin, while her eyes glare at me up and down.

"You're slacking, Sasha. You're really slacking," she starts with a cool and collective tone. I cock my head to the side and screw my eyebrows at her. Now what is she on about?

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Your grades in Science, Maths and Literature have gone down immaculately in the space of a few months, you've been turning up to school late-toilet breaks every five minutes and don't even get me started on how the class desks have become your very own sleeping pillow, during lessons."

Oh no. Does she know? Please she can't know. I fiddle with my fingers as I peer at her through my dark lashes. "I don't know what you're talking about, miss," I gulp.

"Well then maybe we should call your mother and ask her if she knows what's going on with you?-"

"No! Don't do that!...Please..." My voice fades into a silent whisper. "I'm only six months," I softly continue as I bow my head down to my feet then twirl my fingers around each other.

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