Kissing You; Chapter 16; Someone That I Knew

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Broken Hearts and Shattered Dreams. Forgotten Demons, Remember Me <--- By TexasLovesYou (thanks honey!);;

**Okay so please don't point out that my dialogue was too long -_- because it all fits with the purpose of this chapter;; but apart from that, E-N-J-O-Y! ♥***

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Kissing You; Chapter 16;

**Spoiler Alert**

"Please don't say what I think you're going to say," he affirms me squeezing my hand tighter. I nod my head in agreement and he lowers his head and starts running his fingers through his hair in disbelief.

I need to get it all out.

"He didn't care that I would cry when the pain was infinite every time he done it-"

"Every time!?" he yelps in disgust. I simply nod then suck my lips in to prevent the tears...

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*Back to the story*

"You're not gonna hurt me are you?" I quietly breathe stretching out my sleeves over my fingers.

Kyle wraps his arms around me but I quickly attempt to shuffle away.

"Please Sasha, what's wrong? Why you being like this?"

"Erm what happened?" I confusingly ask.

What's gotten into me, why am I being like this? What's happened? I stare into Kyle's dead blue eyes and watch as his face turns to worry and he delicately reaches out his hand to touch my cheek but I rapidly lean back far from his reach. I don't want to be touched. But why?

"We had an argument, I got pissed and pushed you on the floor, then I tried to help you up then your shirt button ripped and that's when you went all mental on me. Shouting random shit! Tell me why?Please," he pleads.

"Oh I remember," I quietly whisper curling myself up into a ball not even making eye contact with him. He moves in closer to me and this time I don't push him away. I need him right now. I just feel so safe around him. Like a guardian angel or something along them lines. Not only does he turn me on all time, he's like my knight in shining armour...Okay maybe I pushed it a bit far.

"So? Are you gonna tell me or not Sash?" he questions me pushing a strand of hair behind my ear. I bow my head down but he quickly lifts it up and makes me look deep into his eyes. "Babe, you can trust me," he reassures me.

Babe? Did he just call me babe? So I'm his babe? I guess there's an "us" now, I could jump for joy but I'm just not feeling it. Like my whole body is frozen or even dead. Maybe I should tell him. It feels right. I haven't told anyone about it, well no one close at least and I feel like I trust Kyle, he just has that affect on me. I think I might lo...I might love-No Way! Come on Sasha, be strong, the sooner you get this off your chest the better. You can do it, he's not gonna hurt you, nothing's stopping you now.

I tightly shut my eyes and keep them shut as I prepare to spill the beans. Here goes nothing... "January the third, 2001. The day my dad died. I was only five then so I didn't know what was going on. My Mom just used to always say to me 'Daddy's just gone on a very long vacation, he'll be back'. Yeah right! I used to sit by my front door everyday waiting for him to come..." I freeze. "But he never did until it got to the the point when I realized that he was never going to come back. Mom never stopped crying and she never told me why. I was all alone," I silently sob as I feel his eyes all over me.

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