Kissing You; Chapter 30; The Final Chapter

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OMG is this the last chapter? :O Yeahh the last chapter of Kissing You. The finale! The end! Let's not cry please; I'll miss everything & everyone! Wanna thank everyone who's supported and helped me over the past six months :D Truly wish everyone the best and I hope you guys enjoy this final chapter >.< NO EPILOGUE - BUT...THERE IS A SECOND BOOK!!!! ;)



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Kissing You; Chapter 30; The Final Chapter

We stay waiting outside in the waiting room. Me, Kathleen, Maxine and Kyle's dad. Just catching a glimpse of what the doctors are doing to my baby in the hospital room is enough to make me restart the waterworks.

Kyle's dad keeps staring at my bump but doesn't dare to question me at this moment and Kathleen is just completely restless, pacing back and forth in front of me, making me uncomfortable and dizzy. Maxine has her head in her hands and her fingers through her hair. I twirl my fingers around the engagement ring and keep my focus on the clock then through the little room window directly opposite us.

"So you're one hundred percent sure that you didn't see who stabbed him?" Mr Carlson questions me one more time with a demanding tone.

I rub my nose with my tissues then stare up at his dark gray eyes. Just tell them it was Jacob-but I can't be so sure. I mean yeah he had the knife but there were five guys on him at one so I couldn't really tell who stabbed Kyle. My heart scars and ripples into micro pieces at the reoccurring events of this night. "No...I um...I didn't all quick." I whimper, my voice cracking at every threatening lie.

"Well the police needs a statement off you as soon as possible." I stare hard at the slow moving hands of the clock then back at my engagement ring.

"Give the girl a break, will you!" Kathleen snarls as she stops her pacing then screws her eyebrows at him in disgust. The silence stretches once more and with every tick of the clock and every run of tears the guilty scars in my throat become unbearable.

"Its all my fault. I could of told them to back off," I sob as I take my hair out of the perfect bun then let it wave down my back and past my ears.

"Its no one's fault, Sasha. There was nothing you could do in your condition." I raise my brow. "Speaking of the baby, how many months are you?" She softly whispers in full on serious mode.

I cross my arms under my bust and flick my eyes across both Kathleen and Mr Carlson. " Um...six months...I'm sorry I kept it a secret for so long...I didn't want anyone to know."

"I don't know how you thought you was going to pull that one off," Mr Carlson mumbles and he has a point. I was being immature and I wasn't thinking straight, just going left and right then hoping for the best in the long run.

"I'm sorry," I whisper once again, lowering my head in shame then letting the tears ripple down my face.

"You don't need to be sorry, honey. Kyle loves you...if he didn't then he never would of asked you to marry him-" I look up into her piercing green eyes and try to read her impassive expression. How did she know? Besides the fact that there's a huge diamond ring on my finger.

"How did-"

"Believe it or not but the proposal Kyle did for you is actually a trending topic on Twitter and pictures of you two are all over the web," she giggles. I laugh back but its not a convincing humorous response.

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