Kissing You; Chapter 19; She's Your Siren's Call

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<3 x For All You Gorgeous Baybeez Of Mine! <3 x

Kissing You; Chapter 19;

A month is not that long. I definitely hoped that my Kyle wouldn't have to leave for London but hey! It's all about fast money baby! Now he's leaving me today and I still can't get get my head around the fact that we've been dating for a whole thirty-one days. A fricking month! How am I going to cope without our erotic sexual activities? And his kisses, cuddles, words and his sexy smell? Two months without my boo is an awfully long time...How will I pass the time? Or even worse, how will the time pass me?


Two months. Without my baby. Without my princess. The past month has gone two quick and I haven't even realized it until today. The day I need to fly to London and leave her for a whole two months. I shove a few more items into my suitcase before I glance at my empty room then exit. I drag the suitcase down the stairs where my Dad, Kathleen and Jacob are waiting downstairs, like they're in the military or some shit along them lines.

"Do you need some help?" Kathleen asks me as she rushes towards me and a few steps up the stairs. Her hair glowing from the sunshine and her green eyes dancing with glee.

I screw my eyebrows at her but then quickly twitch my lips to form a half smile. I've put her through too much shit ever since she became my Dad's second wife, I suppose it is time for me to move on now and not give her too much grief. "No I'm fine thank you, Kathleen," I quietly murmur.

I reach the bottom of the stairs and slam the suitcase by my side. They all just stare at me and say nothing. Am I supposed to make a speech or something? "Oh! Frankie will be here to collect your things at around eleven and your P.A called to tell you not to forget the documents or something like that," Kathleen quickly announces.

I nod in understanding then again twitch my lips to form a half smile. "I'll call you guys when I've landed but in the meantime, try not to miss me too much." They all laugh then I grab my car keys and head for the door, leaving my baggage behind by the bottom of the stairs.

"Not so fast! Won't you give your old man a hug good-bye?" my Dad questions me as he places his hand on my shoulder which makes me turn around and face him.

Um...not reallly. No...

Before I can reply he quickly grabs me into a bear hug and I have no choice but to briefly place my hands over his back. His hard chest presses against mine and I feel like I'm about to throw up my own insides. My breathing becomes hard to detect; is this man trying to kill me? I tap his shoulder repeatedly until he finally releases me and I gasp for air. " I bit too tight," I finally manage to breathe.

Kathleen slowly strust towards me and I wonder what she's going to do...She's not going to hug me is she? This is going to be so weird. She has that warm smile on her face that only Sasha can pull off but it makes her look so much younger than she really is. She presents me with a half smile before she slides her arms under mine and holds me close to her as I arch my back forwards. "I'm sorry," she whispers in my ear.

Sorry? She said sorry...I can't hate her wasn't her fault but she could of definitely prevented it. I rapidly wrap my arms around her tiny waist and allow her blond hair to brush against my face. This is the first time I've ever touched her...Ever! She finally pulls away and surprisingly I want to keep breathing in her fresh fragrance. I stare at Jacob and I hold out my hand for a shake but he also gets me into a guy-ish sort of hug. What is it with everyone and hugs today? But luckily it's like a two second hug so it's not that awkward. I quickly salute them before I exit the door then close it behind me. Please don't let it be this hard when I say good-bye to Sasha...

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