Kissing You; Chapter 9; Please Hurt Me

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  • Dedicated to Kya Marshall

Hey my babys; I know what you're thinking "Dammit! A 7 Page chapter O.o" It'll be worth it, trust me my beautiful people, trust me! :D

Kya! This chapter is just for you little sis<3 Hope you enjoy the character I made for you :* and also if you guys want any birthday shout outs then inbox me and I won't forget to mention you! Enjoyyy my lovely biatchess<3' x

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Kissing You; Chapter 9;

"So what do you think he has up his sleeve?" Lara inquires me as I line a strand of my frizzy hair in the hot straightener then gently slide it down to release a now newly found flat strand. I stare into the clear mirror and lock eyes with hers.

"I'm not sure exactly. But I certainly know it's something devious." I respond as I finish with the last strand of frizz, switch off the then pull out the plug and rest it on my dressing table. Lara nods in understanding then struts to my bed and sits comfortably on the edge of it. "I still can't find what to wear!" I complain, tossing all my clothes from my wardrobe on the floor then still helplessly look around. I have clothes in here I didn't even think survived. I sigh in frustration then rub my forehead continuously.

"Sasha it's just a party," Lara moans as she brushes her bouncy curls then puffs it upwards with the palm of her hands.

"It's not just a party though is it, Lara? Everyone's gonna be there," I reassure her with enthusiasm.

"And by everyone, you mean Kyle."

"No way! I don't care about him!" I shriek with disgust in my tone. That's when my inner goddess punches me in the stomach, raises her eyebrow at me then taps her foot continuously on the ground. "Why would you say that anyway?"

She opens her mouth to respond but then closes it again and shakes her head. I really dislike it when people do that. I feel like marching over to her, start shaking her to make her say what's on her mind. I turn back to the wardrobe and spot something shiny buried underneath a pile of clothes. A grin spreads across my face as I pull out the shiny black dress then show it to Lara. Her eyes widen when she sees the dress and face turns to complete and utter shock. Okay I guess she doesn't approve. "No way! That's way too sexy for a house party," she cries as she throws her hands around and screws her eyebrows. I pout my lip like a little child then turn the dress around so it faces me and I glare at it up and down, coking my head to the side to really examine the material and the detail.

I look back up and Lara then give her a small smile. "So you don't want your best friend to look sexy?" I tease, holding the dress up to my body then twirling like a little girl and fluttering my eyelashes. She springs off the bed and sways over to me then places her hand on my shoulder. I flicker my eyes at her hand then back at her.

"No! I just don't want you taken advantage of by that ass hole Kyle, Sasha. You're to precious," she softly whispers with a smile on her face and her bright blue eyes sparkling with warmth and glee. I gaze into her eyes as the words slowly absorb in my brain. So she really cares this much about me? What would I ever do without her. She drops her arm by her side then marches over to the wardrobe and pulls out a pair of ripped Apple Bottom jeans and a silky floral chiffon vest top, turns back around and pushes them out in front of me. I stare at them horrified and actually take a step back. "Here. This is more like you!" Lara demands as she pushes the clothes much closer to my chest, signalling for me to take them off her and wear it. I glare at the jeans and the vest then shake my head in disagreement. No way am I wearing those. Like no one wears Apple Bottoms anymore and chiffon vest tops are so last year.

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