Kissing You; Chapter 29; We Both Need More Pt2/2

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Kissing You; Chapter 29; Part 2/2

I stare at the ring then look back into those dreamy gray eyes. I gasp for words but nothing comes out. My soul seems to have disappeared with my croaky voice. "I um..well I erm..." I love him, more than my heart can contain. "Yes," I whisper, unsure of my own words. He raises his brow at me then stares at me in astonishment. "Well did I stutter?" I stretch my lips to a sweet smile. "Yes! I'll marry you!"

Before I can acknowledge what I had just said, the restaurant fills with standing ovations and roars of cheering. He pops the ring out of the velvet holder then takes my left hand out by the tips of my fingers, delicately twirling his fingers through mine. I spread out my fingers so he's able to slowly slide the gorgeous divine ring through my fourth finger. I gaze at every slow motion that send sparkles down my spine and fireworks in my heart. This is actually happening! He rises up from the ground with a pleasant smile on his handsome face then softly kisses me on my sweetly aroused lips.

"I love you," he breathes in between kisses.

"I love you too."

He leaves me breathless. I drown out the noise of the cheering and clapping and forget where I even I am. Its just me and him stuck in the moment again. But this time I'm going to become Mrs Sasha Carlson and we have a little baby girl on the way. Life couldn't get any better.

People finally begin to surround and crowd us. Congratulations being thrown at us both left, right and every corner. Pictures everywhere and to be honest I don't even care. I'm too busy smiling and being happy with the man of my life to care what people think about me. Whether I'm a slut for being pregnant at seventeen or being a gold-digging whore because my fiancé just so happens to be swimming in money and filthy rich-it doesn't bother me because even though I've lost a lot over the past few month I've gained so much, all through my loving, caring, tender bad boy.

"We should go now," Kyle whispers in my ear with his hand interlocked with mine. I nod in agreement and we slowly make our way out the restaurant oblivious to the fact that people still want to ask questions and be the nosey little fuckers that they are.

The night is beautiful, the moon is out and the light breeze is marvellous against my hot flustered face. I hold my bump with my right hand then hold my out left hand in front of me and gaze at my dazzling diamond ring, resisting the darkness and reflecting off the glowing moonlight. We pull further away from the restaurant and make our way around the dark deserted streets. But I'm not scared-Kyle always keeps me safe and I always feel safe when I'm with him.

"Do you know where we're going?" I giggle with my arm still hooked through his and my feet begin to burn against the tough concrete.

He gives me shy laugh, before smoothly running his tongue against his bottom lip. "Of course I do baby girl. Don't be scared."

"Who says I'm scared?" I laugh.

"Hush. We're almost there."

We turn another dark corner and I can see the park in the distance now. I really need to sit down, I think I have blisters now. A gang of boys approach in front of us, five of them precisely and my heart begins the pounding process. I look up at Kyle but he doesn't look one bit alarmed. As we get closer the tension rises immaculately. I keep my head down and hope that nothing bad happens. One of them barges into Kyle, making us stop.

"Dude, what's your problem?" Kyle snarls. They boys' faces remain dark and hidden.

"I have so many problems with you." The voice replies, and its not hard to recognise who that voice is. The boy turns around and flicks his hood back down to reveal those emerald eyes that once used to something I loved but now they're something I fear.

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