Kissing You; Chapter 28; The Bad Boy's Conscience

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Guess who's back. Back again gain loool! Yes I'm BACKK!!!!. I originally typed on my laptop but just as I went to save the chapter, my laptop broke down so I had to re-type the whole chapter on my Blackberry and trust me it took ages; hope you enjoy :* All the editing will be done tomorrow :D


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Kissing You; Chapter 28;

"But...but...that's not possible. It can't be! I've been having my period!" I loudly protest.

"Yes. But have your period maintained its regular duration or has it been persistently irregular? This includes missing of skipping months too."

My head spins in vigorous spirals as I stare into her cold eyes. "Well its been lighter than usual and I did skip last month and I thought it was just a normal fluke. Then I had my period this month but for only three days which I found pretty abnormal for me but I just ignored it because I was used to irregular periods." She adjusts her glasses then quickly scribbles on her clipboard, nodding at every shaky word that escapes my dry achy mouth.

"It is common for a lot of women to still experience their monthly periods and conceive at the same time but after at least the fourth month of the pregnancy, the periods should stop and maybe only little trickles of blood every now and then, but that's absolutely nothing to worry about." I rub my hand across my burning forehead and close my eyes at the furious pain.

"Will it be possible for me to have an abortion now?" I test the question at the tip of my tongue. Why did I just ask that? Is it because Kyle wants me to get rid of her? Of course not. This is not about him. Its about me. And right now, a baby is the last thing I need.

"Yes it is possible because you're only approximately fifteen weeks pregnant. Cytotic pills are available to you but I would recommend you not to rush into any decisions at this moment just because your boyfriend doesn't approve of it."

Oh! But you really do not know the kind of person my "so called" boyfriend is. "Thank you," I quietly choke as I flip the sheets over my body and only just realize that I'm wearing a hospital gown. "You're welcome my dear. Now get some rest." She stretches her lips into. Small gracious smile then swivels on her heels to walk away, with the clipboard still tight in hand.

"Wait!" I quickly call after her, making her shoot her head around so her blond hair moves in sync. I can't stay in this hospital bed any longer. "Can I get discharged now, please? Like...right this minute?"

She scrunches her face in disapproval. "No. You've only just got your blood levels back on track. You need rest more than you need your walk," she softly murmurs, her voice soft and considerate.

"Please," I plead as I pout my bottom lip then bulge out my big brown eyes, making them expand and attempt the "puppy eyes" look. She sighs in defeat before she carefully takes out a piece of card from her outside pocket then scribbles something on it. Preferably her signature.

"Here. Take this to reception and they will discharge you," she softly murmurs as she hands out the card towards me and I carefully snip it from her long fingernails.

"Thank you." She bows her head before she turns and exits the room. I search the room for my close until my eyes finally land on my bag that I carried to school this morning. I can hardly remember what happened.

I slide one foot around, then quickly follow with the other one. The hospital dress hangs low around my shoulders and drapes around my very soar breasts. My brain pounds against my skull as if its fighting for survival. The throbbing doesn't stop. The pulsating beats thump the sides of my head then burns up my body under the fabric. I place one hand on my blazing forehead and the other on my slightly round stomach.

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