Kissing You; Chapter 14; Physical Love Letters

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<3'xHeyyy my beautifuls!!! sorry its late :(

I have a couple of lines in this chapter where Sasha speaks Spanish to her Mom so if you don't know what she says, at the end of the chapter, I will translate like a boss ;)

Anywaysssss, Enjoy my lovelys! You deserve it :D

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Kissing You; Chapter 14;

I fell asleep fast last night. Mom and Tasha were on the sofa snuggled up last night while I quietly sneaked up to my room. It sort of reminded me of the times I was a rowdy wild fifteen year old who had no responsibilities and always came home late ha! But everything has changed now.

Thank God today is Saturday, I don't have to see Kyle's perfect face today or Jacob's. A whole day without the Carlson brothers, just peace and quiet is exactly what I need. My crazy hormones fluttering when either of them approach me is just getting out of control, even thought I can't physically stop them with my own ability.

My mind keeps going off track. About the party - in fact, I sure do need to tell my mom about the necklace and the attack but I definitely don't want the police sticking their nose in. Once an investigation starts, trust me, it never ends. me when I say "it never ends".

The sun is shining and it's a Saturday. I mean, what more could you ask for? I'm in the best mood ever and I'm not gonna let anyone put me down today.

I excitedly jump out of my bed and run down the stairs in my panda printed vest top and matching shorts. I peer down at my feet as cold wooden floor reacts with my smooth feet, making the chills run down my spine. I really need to get a pedicure, I haven't had one in a while. I'll call Lara and ask her if she wants to trip down to the nail salon with sometime during the day. Just me and her. No boys whatsoever!

Oh God! I just remembered! Lara! She'll probably be worried sick, I left her in the nurse's room yesterday, never stayed in school and didn't even ring to tell her I was okay. I'm such a bitch of a friend! This is what Kyle has done to me - No this is what you've done to yourself. Fool! Take responsibility, always blaming others. These petty fights I keep having with myself, really does make me think twice about my "normal" existence on this planet.

My nose leads me to the kitchen where I find my mom behind the stove wearing an apron, with a bowel in her hand and a whisk in another. My lips stretch out to form a big cheesy grin then I quietly tip toe behind her. "Boo!" I scream, making her jump suddenly. She slowly turns around gives me a big warm smile.

"Sasha you scared the shit out of me!" She laughs then continues whisking rapidly.

"Hmm mamá, algo huele delicioso," I softly giggle behind her ear.

I spot the stacked pancakes by the side of the table and I reach out to take the plate. She rapidly swats my hand in mid air which makes me pull it back in again. "Go and have a shower first! Estúpido!" she spits out as she slowly barges me away from her then throws her head back in laughter.

The old me would probably get all angry for her just calling me stupid in Spanish, but now it feels like ever since Kyle told me straight that he didn't like me in the way that I hoped he would, I now see everything in a new light. "Te amo mamá," I softly reply, turning on my heel to head upstairs.

I speed past the front door then my eyes quickly catch sight of a small white piece of paper, that laid flat on the floor only a few centimetres away from the door post. My eyebrows automatically knit themselves together then I walk over to the letter and carefully pick it up. At the front it reads:

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