Drunk Texting/Subliminal Worked!

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I got drunk last night and texted Cross and I told him I had a "fatty crush" on him and he admitted that he liked me back then too and he would've asked me out if I wasn't always alone and if he wasnt so shy. We talked about how things ended between us and we argued about that because he claimed I left first but I say that he left first but I ended things. He would constantly leave me on read so I was fed up and left him because why should I keep giving this energy and starting convos when all he would do was leave me on read and not do anything about it. He never texted first so why should I? He justified it by saying he was busy...in the beginning quarantine, ok sure. He also said he stopped talking to me because he thought my bestie (he's a guy) and I liked each other which is kinda funny I gotta laugh at that but looking back I could see why he thought that which sucks. I told him a part of me would always like him but he said he's not too sure I'd like him now cuz he's not as academic as he used to be and then he has been partying so much and he even traveled to another state just to party. We ended up having a nice conversation about our lives and then towards the end of our convo he said he needs a girlfriend and I told him I could sense the desperation through the phone. I am remembering our conversation and I can tell you that I was always asking questions about him and he never once turned the conversation about me. Maybe cuz he knew I wasn't in the right mindset to be talking? The only I do know is that he will always be my "what if" I don't think it's right if we do get together since he's a senior rn and I'm a junior and he's going off to Denver for college and I want to go to Chicago and long-distance scares me...so now I'm gonna distract myself and watch Draco edits to make myself feel better :)

So I guess the subliminal did actually work which is good!! Except we just didn't date :/

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