Day 21

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So I walked into class and I was unpacking my stuff from my backpack and Mouse walks closely to me and says "she's wearing his hoodie. Do you ship it?" I immediately knew he was talking about ex crush giving his hoodie to the girl that sits next to him (idk if I mentioned her but she OBVIOUSLY likes ex crush and she got between me and him but whatever I'm over it). Anyways I ain't mad so I didn't say anything about it.


So we started our warmup and Cross turned around and asked me if he can borrow my calculator and I gave him it and after he was done with it he handed it back to me but he was starring into my soul. Mouse asked for help but only if I stop being "retarded" (I was very calm in class so idk y he said that) and I joked saying "well I am" because I didn't want to help him. Cross and Mouse laughed at that.

After our warmup our teacher came up to Mouse and told him to go to the back lab table because he's been distracting everyone around him since we started the study guide (like since Monday I think) and so he moved and I was left with Cross.

Cross turned around and asked me for a highlighter and I said yeah and gave him my whole pencil pouch and he just stared at my pencil pouch and I told him to just pick whatever color he wanted (I had pink, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple.) He said to me " [Mouse] called you retarded" and I raised an eyebrow and said "yeah?" because I didn't know where this was going. "Are you?" "No" I replied and gave him a weird look. He looked through my pencil pouch and picked out the blue highlighter and began highlighting his paper. I didn't even ask him why he'd say that but I guess I'll never know now🤷‍♀️.

After he used it he gave it back to me and the cap was very warm. He ended up needing it again but he just turned around and stared at me. "Do you need...?" I started but my voice softly faded because HE'S SO CUTE AND I GOT LOST IN HIS EYES!!! "I need..." his voice did the same thing. "You need..." I slowly moved moved my hand in a circular motion gesturing for him to continue his sentence. " I need the same highlighter please" he chuckled and I held out the highlighter for him but I think he thought that I was going to try to pull it back when he tried to grab it so he snatched it out of my hand. After he turned back around my friend turned towards me and started mouthing "GO DEMARCUS! GO DEMARCUS!"

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