Day 22

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When I was at my desk before class started, I had a box of Jo Joe's (Oreos from Trader Joe's) on my desk and Cross walked into class and was starring at them and then looked at me as if he wanted one and once again I waved at him and smiled. (IM SO SUCH A DUMBASS LIKE IT OBVIOUSLY DOENST DO ANYTHING!)

We had to do our chem final for the school district today and so we were required to put our backpacks in the back (idk why this is relevant but I should tell you).

Anyways so during the final, ex crush gets up and walks past my desk and I was having a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day so him just breathing pissed me off. And he walked past my desk twice and while he did that he would tap my desk. WHILE I WAS TAKING THE FINAL!!! I was so pissed off that I guess the remaining three answers and turned it in.

Thankfully I ended up getting an B on the final😊

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