Day 28

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In chem I sat with Cross because our desks were combined together and we had to get out our paper from yesterday with our data and I saw that he had already started the bar graph and I was like "oh you started it already" and he looks at me, blinks, and then says "yeah" and my god this man is messing with my ovaries. And I'm like "...that's smart" and he pauses too and says "thanks" "sure" I smiled and we both chuckle? Lol. Anywho, we went to different groups again to discuss data and we weren't together so when we came back together he asked me what my groups highest data was and I told him it was the atmosphere and he's like "yikes. My group got plants cause we're awesome" or something like that and I'm like "woowww ok"  then we were talking about carbon absorption charts and we had to do one of our own in our groups and so he was gesturing that I should write on the mini whiteboard that we had and I kept asking him "what" and he said never mind and he ended up writing on the mini whiteboard. He did the graph and I was closely examining the line and he asks me "does it please you?" (😏) and there was a small uneven spot so I erased it and I said "there" and we smiled at each other. The class talked about carbon absorption for the rest of the class and when we had to pack up I was putting my pencil away and I felt an extreme pinch on my right index finger and I was startled so I started wiping my hand and a bee yeeted from my hand and the stinger was in my finger.
We had four minutes left in class so while my my finger was in pain, our teacher let Cross go in the "hot seat" (hot seat is when you're in the teachers chair and students ask you questions and people were asking him questions like how tall he is ( 6 FT 🤤) what's his favorite food ( lasagna) yellow or brown? (Brown) black or white? (white) During the hot seat Cross kept looking over at me whenever the tees he'd would ask "does anyone else have any questions?"  Then one kid yells out "AHH THERES A BEE!!!" And I said "don't worry it's gonna die cause it stung me" and I didn't think I said it that loud but I did and so the teacher heard me from all the way from the front of the class and she's like "oh my gosh are you ok? Do you need to go to the nurse?" And I kid you not I said "no thank you I'm fine. I'm chilling" 🤦‍♀️and Cross is just starring at me😅 after class was over people came up to me asking to see my sting (there was a hole and my finger and it was swelling up and red) and my teacher asked if I was sure I didnt want to go to the nurse but I was sure. Then I left the class and let out an "ooowwwwww" 😂😂

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