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Chantelle's POV

It's been weeks since Andy's came back and everyone's a bit happier now but Ashley seems really unhappy especially when I go with andy to practise singing Andy's been really strange as well keeps asking me to help him with stuff I'm really confused about whats going on.
Right now everyone was in the front room bored out of there minds even cc and he's always got something to do I don't know what's going on everyone's just bored so I thought id liven things up a bit

"Alright you bored lot" sounded much better in my head

"What?" Said jake

"Come on we need something to do so I say what about a game of hide and seek?" I said looking around

"Hide and seek!!!!!" Cc said all of a sudden springing to his feet

"I love hide and seek can we play it please can we play it"

"Come on guys grow up hide and seeks for little kids I'm going to my room" said Ashley

"What's up with him?" I said to everyone jake and jinx looked at each other

"ummm why don't we play a game of hide and seek first then we'll tell you but only if you win Chantelle's on it!!!" Jinx said running off and hiding

"Fine" I said closing my eyes

"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten ready or not here I come" I said walking around trying to find them

"Come on guys I'm going to find you" I said then I heard giggling like cc I turned around and saw the curtain (our door) move

"Oh I wonder where cc could be" I said walking towards the curtain I pulled it away and he screamed

"Found you" I said laughing cc made a pouty face and crossed his arms

"No fair what about 2/3" he said

"Come on you can help me find jake, jinx and andy" I said

"Fine" he said looking around
It's been about 10 minutes now and now sign of any of them

"I found jake and jinx" shouted cc walking in with jake and jinx looking annoyed

"Yh you found us well done" jake said laughing

"All we need is andy now" I said looking around but all of a sudden I heard shouting coming from Andy's room I went to go see what was happening but jinx stopped me

"It's best you don't go in just yet" he said looking upset

"Why what's going on" I said looking worried no one answered they just looked around at each other.
I pushed jinx's hand off and went to Andy's room and what I saw will never leave my mind.

Andy's POV

Chantelle started counting to ten so I went and hid under my bed.
I had been waiting for a while and then I heard foot steps and I thought it was Chantelle so I held my breathe and something grabbed my leg and dragged me out

"Well done you found me" I said but it wasn't Chantelle it was Ashley

"Woah dude what are you doing I was hiding I'll get caught" I Said smiling
But Ashley wasn't smiling

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" He asked me

"What do you mean?" I asked confused

"You know what I mean liking Chantelle when you know I liked her ever since I saw her but you think you can slither in and take her from me your sorely mistaken" ash said getting right in my face

"Hey I like her because she's funny cute and caring why do you like her so you can fuck her and then make it out like she isn't even there invisible" I said getting in his face


"Oh I think you know exactly what I mean" he said and all of a sudden punched me I held my nose and looked at my hand my nose was bleeding I punched him straight back and all of a sudden there was a yell

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING???!!?" Chantelle yelled

"Woah guys calm down stop" cc said
Jake grabbed me and jinx grabbed Ashley

"What's going on why are you fighting" Chantelle asked confused

"All I know is I'm hiding under the bed waiting for you to find me and then Ashley here pulls me out and punches me right the face!" I yelled

"Ashley is that true?" Chantelle asked looking at him

"Yes" he said looking down

"But I only did because I was angry and jealous" he said

"Why were you angry and jealous of andy?" She asked he didn't answer

"Come on ash she's going to find out anyway" jake said ash sighed

"I-i-i l-love you" he said still not raising his head

"What?" Chantelle said

"I love you" he said looking at Chantelle

"I've liked you ever since I first met you and when I found out andy liked you as well it just got me angry and jealous cause he was taking you off to practise singing and I never had time to spend with you I just like you so much that I I can't even describe it in words" ash said with tears in his eyes Chantelle looked like she was about to cry as well

"So y-y-you and a-andy had a fight because you both ,l-l-l-like me" she said tears streaming down her cheeks me and ash nodded

"I got to go I'm sorry goodbye" Chantelle said running out the room

"Chantelle wait" cc yelled but it was too late she was gone

Hour time lapse
I walked up to ash and tapped his shoulder

"What do you want" he said bitterly

"I just came to say I'm really sorry that I did this and when I heard you say all that to Chantelle something in me knew you two were made for each other and I may like her a lot but I know you truly love her and when she comes back I would like nothing more than for you two to be a couple" I said looking down

"Thanks andy I'm sorry for punching you" he said

"Same here" I said hugging him he hugged back and we carried on looking for Chantelle ever since she ran out we've been looking for her but no sign yet

"Guys let's go home and try again tomorrow it's getting dark and it's more dangerous at night" jinx said stopping

"But we can't leave Chantelle out here" ash said

"Dude Chantelle will be fine she's tough she's probably somewhere safe right now come on let's go home and try again tomorrow" I said

"Alright" he said and we started walking back

Ashley's POV
where ever you are please be safe Chantelle I love you ❤️

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