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???? POV
I was just walking around on my own just thinking about things. My best friend is really gone I can't believe it. Well they did bring on themselves I mean who does that. They were going to come back but then they saw her with them and now they won't bring her back. I'm so lonely I need her back or at least back here safe.
I walked to they were to beg for them to bring her back.

"Please bring her back what she did wasn't that bad please" I begged

"We're sorry but we can't bring her back especially now she's with them" they said in a sympathetic voice

"Please I'll do anything" I begged even more

"The only way to bring her back is if someone takes her sentence. Are you willing enough to do that?" They asked with a questioning look

"Yes I Sarah Collins wish to swap with Chantelle and take her sentence" I said standing up

"Very well" he said and then everything went black

Ashley's POV
Today's the day I'm going to ask her we've had a kid and I love her too much to ever loose her.
Right now we're at home where I've set up food for us and I told the guys to go out for a bit. We've just finished our food and I'm taking her outside.

"That was really nice ash I didn't know you could cook?" She asked holding my hand

"Well I'm full of surprises and I have another for you" I asked turning to her

"Really another one your spoiling me" she said smiling that adorable smile of hers

"Chantelle we've known each other for nearly a year now and ever since I first saw you asleep in that car I fell in love with you, you were so beautiful and stunning that I'm surprised we are where we are now. I love you so much and I never want to loose you" I started to go down on one knee and she started to tear up
I got the box out of my pack pocket and opened it

"Chantelle will you me the honour and mar-" all of a sudden a bright white light glowed where Chantelle was standing I backed away because of how bright it was and its so dark down here it hurt my eyes and all of a sudden it disappeared but so did Chantelle

"CHANTELLE, CHANTELLE WHERE ARE YOU?!" I shouted looking around until I saw a women who looked like she was in her early twenties on the floor where Chantelle was standing. She was asleep so I picked her up and took her back inside to see if I can get anything out of her.

Chantelle's POV
Where am I? Where's Ashley? What's going on?
I remember Ashley being on one knee with a box in his hand but all of a sudden I saw white and he was gone.
I opened my eyes and looked around. Everything was white. I stood up and looked down I was wearing a white dress and then I looked at my hair which is...... BLONDE!!!! What's going on the last time I had blonde was when I was in....... No it can't be why would they send me back. I look around and there they are the council smiling at me.
"Hello Chantelle" one of them say
"Why am I back! Why did you bring me back!" I shouted angry as hell
"Why are you upset we sent you somewhere horrible why would you be upset for bringing you back?" One of them asked again
"Because I met people down there who are amazing and my child's down there so send me back" I said
"We're sorry but we can't the machines run out of energy and it will take a week to charge I'm sorry" the one in the middle
"Okay fine I'll wait a week but why did you bring me back in the first place?" I asked
"Do you remember Sarah Collins?" They asked
"Of course she was my best friend why?" They looked at each other and then back at me
"She couldn't take it that you were gone so she swapped places with you" they said
"WHAT!!!" I shouted in a week send me back and bring her back okay
"Very well if that's what you wish" they said
"Thank you" I said and walked away

Ashley POV
The girl still isn't awake it's taken awhile. I brought her in and the guys asked where Chantelle was so I explained to them what happened.
"Seriously!?" Jake asked
"Yeah she just disappeared and then that girl appeared out of nowhere" I said annoyed
"where am I?" She's awake and we al walked into the front room to where she was
She looked at us scared
"Who are you? Where am I?" She asked
"We're some pretty annoyed people that's who we are" Andy said
"And you're in purgatory" jinx said
"WHERES CHANTELLE??!!!!" I shouted scaring her even more
"She's in heaven I swapped places with her" she said tears in her eyes
"What!?" I said
"I swapped places with her because I felt bad for her being punished and I missed her so I swapped" she said crying
"Well now your stuck with some pretty pissed off people" cc said glaring at her
"Jinx show her to where she's staying please. And you you're not allowed to leave that room food will be brought to you do you understand?" I asked
She nodded and followed jinx to her room
I sat down and put my head in my hands and sighed
Andy came and sat next to me and put his arm around my shoulders
"It's okay we'll get her back I promise" he said staying sat next to me to keep me calm
Chantelle I miss you ❤️

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