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Andy's POV
I didn't want to go back I felt that I had acted so childish and I wasn't able to look at Chantelle without feeling sorry for her that I hadn't answered her question and ran away like that I felt bad for doing that to her but I had to go back I can't run away all my life so I headed back.
Once I got back I saw Chantelle crying to Ashley saying how it was her fault I had ran away and it wasn't it was me not being able to face the truth with what I had done I felt really bad making her feel that way she shouldn't think like that
Chantelle looked up and saw me running towards me

"ANDY" she yelled hugging me

"hahahah hi Chantelle have you been crying?" I said worried

"Umm uh yh I thought it was my fault you walked off because if I didn't ask you why you were banished you wouldn't have walked off I'm sorry" she said looking down

"Hey hey it's not your fault I get upset every time I even think about it so don't worry it wasn't your fault but I need to talk to you"

"Ok" she said I started walking to my room and looked at ash who gave me a sympathetic look I smiled back and carried on walking

"What's up andy?" She asked sitting down on my bed

"I think you deserve to know why I was banished" I said sitting next to her on the bed

"But I want you to know that me walking out was not your fault it was just me not being able to face what I had done and I really don't like it and I don't want to loose you as a friend your really Nice and I'll feel terrible if I lost you Chantelle" I said looking at her

"Andy you don't need to tell me if you don't want to I'm not forcing you no one is" she said looking at me

"I know but you deserve to know Chantelle I can't keep a secret from a friend especially if your part of our band now there's no secrets in our band" I said looking serious

"Ok well if your sure" she said I think she was worrying I was pushing myself to tell her and I wasn't she just needs to know the truth

"I'm sure" I said getting ready to tell her

"So I was a happy person in heaven I used to have blonde hair I don't know why but I guess that's how I was born but I was a freak to everyone because well I know this will be hard to believe but I had wings white wings so I was a blonde kid with white wings and I was bullied all my life for it and my parents tried helping me but nothing could so I started self harming and I just felt worthless. one day I was just doing my job and these guys came up to me and they were my bullies in school and started calling me a freak but because I was at work I couldn't do anything I had to ignore them so I did and one of them came up to me and grabbed me saying look at me when I'm talking to you freak and I couldn't say fuck off so I had to just ignore him again he threw me down and said I'll be back for you and walked away with his little group I was working late that night so when I was walking home it was pitch black and sure enough they were waiting for me and grabbed me I tried flying away but they held tight and uh they uh knocked me ummm out" I paused making sure I didn't cry Chantelle looked at me with sympathy and I held back the tears and carried on

"When I woke up I was tied up to a table on my belly so my back facing up and someone walked in I guess he was the leader because it was the same one who grabbed me at my work place and started punching me in the face and back near enough when he stopped I was bleeding like mad. but the worse part had yet to come he grabbed me by my hair and pulled my head up so he could speak in my ear and he said you know you'd be less of a freak without those wings why don't I do you a favour and he grabbed a massive knife I started shouting tell him to stop but he ignored me and grabbed one of my wings that's when something flashed threw my mind. pain. it was i-it w-w-w was j-just so p-p-p-p painful. I started crying and Chantelle hugged me

"It's ok andy you don't have to carry on if you don't want to"

"No I have to I have to tell you" so I stopped crying and carried on with the story

"After he had cut both of my wings off I had lost conciseness from loosing so much blood and when I woke up I was in hospital but that's around the time I snapped when I woke up I just got out of bed got changed and walked out of the hospital I went to the shop bought black hair dye and dyed my hair black and I had a knife in my hand but when I did next was the worst thing anyone could do in the world I hunted them down and killed them one at a time for putting me through so much pain for all my life but the one who cut my wings off I had killed him slow and painfully putting him through the same amount of pain I went through and people found out and I was banished forever I really wish I hadn't done it it's all my fault" I started crying and Chantelle hugged me again with tears in her eyes as well

"OMG andy I'm so sorry" she said looking at me

"It's not your fault it was mine for letting then get to me I wish I could go back in time and stop myself from doing that"

"Come on andy yh it was a mistake killing them but they cut your wings off and made you self harm that is the worst thing anyone could do worst then killing so don't let it get to you and anyway it's in the past so don't let it get to you and just think of the future alright"

"Thanks Chantelle" I said wiping my tears away

"It's alright andy" she said smiling

"Now come on jinx and jake don't know your here yet there probably still worried sick" she said standing up

"Alright" I said following her to find jinx and jake

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