Guardian angel

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(Chantelle's POV)

Hello I'm Chantelle I am 19 I have blue eyes and blonde hair that reaches my waist. I am quite pale and have to wear a long white dress that just stops at the bottom of my knees.

I am a angel and I watch over people on earth to make sure no one dies before there time has to come.

Obviously because I am a angel I have wings which I can fly with. My wings are white and are soft which are so big they stop just at the bottom of my back.

But enough about me today was just like any other day doing my daily routine checking on the people I must look after on earth.

But suddenly I spot a little girl no older than 7 being taken by a man and into a dark alley I was about to go down to help her when Sarah my boss grabs my wrist stopping me.

"I have to help her she could die" I said worry heard in my voice. "I'm sorry but it's her time you can't do anything about it" she said sympathy in her voice. "but she's too young to die she looks no older than 7 she still has her life ahead of her" I yell getting everyone's attention.

"I'm sorry but you can't go other wise they'll be a great deal to pay and..." I didn't let her finish when I got free of her grip i flew down to help her. I just made it the man was about to stab her and you could hear her crying I used my magic to send him flying into the wall knocking him out.

The little girl looked at the man seeing he was unconscious and looked around until she saw me and just stared at me. this went on for a while until she spoke "w-who are you" she said trembling as she waiting for my reply " I am Chantelle your guardian angel" I said smiling at her trying to seem friendly to her she smiled at me and said a little thank you before running off.

I smiled to my self and flew back up. when I got back everyone looked shocked and Sarah looked like she was gunna cry I look at her confused until I waved it off and went to my room for some rest magic really does take the energy out of you.

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