Where the fuck am i

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(Ashley's POV)

We were walking back home after finding this girl sleeping in a car but I had to say she looked pretty and hot it's like she fell from heaven....

Wait that's it!!!!

"Guys I think I know where she came from"

"Where?" andy asked me confused

"What if she was banished here from heaven like us?"

"Why on earth would they banished a girl like her she looks harmless and innocent so why would they banish her?" said jake looking at me

"I don't know but I'm pretty sure she's from heaven" I said quite confident with what I'm suggesting

"Alright well we'll wait until she wakes up and she can tell us what happened and we can see if your right ash" andy said starting to walk again

"I'm 99 percent sure"

"What about the other 1 percent" cc asked smiling

"That's she's a really good looking girl who came from hell" I said me and cc started laughing

We reached home which was just in time because the girl was starting to wake up

"Quick lye her on the sofa" jinx said

Andy led her on the sofa gently her eyes were open now and she had the most beautiful blue eyes I've ever seen (then it's Andy's) and her hair looked so soft and fell straight with no nots like she hadn't fell asleep and I never noticed (which is weird) but she had wings that were quite big but beautiful at the same time

She was fully awake now and looking around until she stopped looking at us

"Who the fuck are you? where the fuck am I?" she said sounding scared

"Don't worry we're not going to hurt you we promise we just want to know how you got here" jinx said in a calm voice

"I was banished here"

"Where from"


"Ha told you guys I told you she was from heaven" I said laughing and smiling

"But that makes no sense usually girl angels have blonde hair and white wings not black" jake said confused

"What are you talking about I have blonde hair and white wings"

"No you don't there black" cc said looking confused

"Have you got a mirror?" she asked

"Yh" I went and got her our broken mirror we all have to share

I passed it too her and she looked in her reflection she looked shocked then she looked at her wings and gasped

"What I don't understand whys my hair and wings turned black?"

"I don't know all your hair were black already and didn't have wings so nothing with us changed" andy said looking straight at her

She looked like she was about to cry so I went over to her and hugged her

"I'm just so confused" she put her face in her hands and starting crying I tightened my grip and hugged her more she carried on crying into my chest until she started to calm down

"Do you remember why they banished you" andy said sitting down next to her


"Can you please tell us"

"Yes I was doing my job which was to look after people who could die but it wasn't there time and I saw a little girl being dragged into a ally by a guy I was going to go down until my boss grabbed my arm and told me it was her time I ignored her and went and helped the girl after I was sent to the head office and was banished and that's why I'm here" she said nearly in tears again

"Really they banished you because of that that's stupid" cc said

"Well not to them" she had stopped crying now and was sitting on the floor I don't even know how she got there without me noticing

"Hey I didn't catch your names"

"Hi I'm jinx"

"I'm jake"

"I'm the gazelle legged andy"

"I'm fucking cc how dare u not know me I need a drink"

"Don't worry he's not actually mad he's just cc I'm ashley"

"And we are the fallen angels" andy said in a sing song voice

"Nice you meet you guys I'm Chantelle why did you bring me here?"

"We couldn't let you sleep in a broken car could we" cc said walking back in with a beer we found some not long ago which was pretty lucky cause we were running out of things

"Hey dude can you get me one"

"No get off your lazy ass and get one yourself Pervy Purdy" cc said winking then sitting down while everyone laughed except Chantelle who looked confused

"Why did he said Pervy Purdy?"

"Well because my last names Purdy and I had a lot of girlfriends so he calls me a perv" I said smiling

"Oh ok umm question what is that all over your faces and arms do you have like dirt all over you?"

We all looked at each other and laughed we couldn't stop until andy said "no it's not dirt it's war paint"

"War paint?" wow does she know anything even though I didn't know about it till we got here

"Yh war paint it's more like a face paint but because it's black we call it war paint looks like something people in the army would wear" I said hopefully answering her question

"Oh ok"

We sat there in silence for a while until jake spoke

"How have you still got your wings I would of thought on the way down they would have burned off or something?"

"Im not sure" she said yawning

"Someone's tired" I said picking her up and taking her to my room

"Here u can have my bed tonight" I said putting her on the mattress

"What about you?"

"I'll sleep on the couch night"

"Night" she said as I walked back to the front room

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