Stag night

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Ashley's POV
So tonight is my stag night and I'm kinda scared for what the guys have planned because I have literally no idea what they've planned so yeah this is gunna be worrying....

"You ready to go ash?" Jake asked

"Yeah" I said standing up from the sofa and walking outside
All the guys were stood outside waiting for me in their usual clothes but without their makeup.

"Sooooo where we going?" I said still kinda nervous about their answer. All the guys looked at me and smirked, not gunna lie I started to sweat.

"Oh that's for us to know and you to find out" cc said smirking which made me even more nervous.

"I don't know why I let you guys talk me into this....." I said almost feeling like saying my goodbyes to normality.

"Oh don't be so down you're gunna love it!" Andy said skipping in front of us where we all just stopped and stared at him.

"What?" He asked standing still and looking over his shoulder at us.

"You ain't normal..." jinx said

"Nor are any of you" he said starting to walk away.

"He has a point" jake said carrying on walking.
I just laughed and followed the guys to wherever we were heading.

*20 minutes later*
"How much further is it?" I said starting to get a bit tired.

"It ain't that much further we're almost there" jinx said still walking ahead of me.

After another 5 minutes my vision went black and I couldn't see anything.

"Hey what's going on!?!" I said starting to struggle.

"Dude calm down don't want to ruin the surprise do you?" Cc said tying the piece of cloth over my eyes.

"Okay now I am seriously worried" I said walking to wherever we were going, being led by cc.

"It's fine you're gunna be fine just trust us" jake said from ahead of me.... I think.

I stayed quiet and continued to walk. After a while we stopped walking and I heard a screeching noise like a door opening and walked a bit more. We stopped again and I couldn't hear anything.

"Guys?" I ask worried they had left me.

"Okay you can take the blind fold off" shouted jinx

I reached up and took off the blindfold to be blinded again by the lights in the room.


When my vision came back I could see jake, jinx, Andy and cc all standing in front of me with people surrounding them.

"Welcome to your stag night ash!" Andy shouted and walked towards me pulling me over to the people.

"Hey ash!" I turned around and saw none other than Gerard and frank walking towards me.

"Hey guys I'm glad you came" I said as they stopped in front of me.

"We weren't gunna miss something like this it's the last time we can all have fun while you're single haha" frank said handing me a bottle.

"We thought we'd get you something I mean you only get married once" Gerard said smiling at me.

"Thanks man" I looked at the bottle and saw they got me some vodka.

"No worries it's also thanks to you and the rest of you for helping us in the past" Gerard said

"It was no problem haha I expect to see you both at the wedding okay?" I said smiling in which they smiled back.

"Of course, we wouldn't miss it for the world!" Frank said jumping up and down.

"Aaaaaand you've had too much to drink let's go get you some coffee" Gerard said holding franks hand and leading him to the coffee machine.

"See ya later ash!" Frank said until Gerard started dragging him to the coffee.

I laughed and continued to talk to everyone at the party. There were a lot of old faces I haven't seen for a while and I was shocked to see some people.

"Hey ash what's up!?" Someone said

"Hi umm nothing much dude besides getting married haha how's life been for you?" I said trying to pretend I didn't forget his name.

"Ahh life's been great I have a wife and 2 kids and a job I love so life's great" he said drinking another beer.

"That's great man hope life carries on being good for ya" I said hugging him and moving onto the next one.

"Thanks you too" he said and continued to talk to a women.

I was enjoying catching up with all my old friends and seeing my parents again but I felt sad that Chantelle didn't have any friends or family to have a hen night with so I came up with an idea.

"Guys I wanted to say thanks for tonight it's amazing you guys are honestly the best brothers I've ever had"

"It's okay buddy" jake said

"No problemo ash" cc said smiling

"Was worth it" jinx said

"It's okay mate" Andy said

"But, I feel bad because Chantelle doesn't have anything like this because she doesn't have any friends or family really" I said looking down and scratching the back of my neck.

"Well there must be something we can do for her?" Cc said looking down and thinking.

"I got it!" Andy said making everyone jump and look at him.

"What is it?" I asked.

Andy then got us in a huddle and explained his idea to us.

"Good idea! Maybe we can get Gerard and frank to help us?" Jinx said.

"Yeah good idea, so when we doing this?" Jake asked.

"Hmm what about on Saturday? It'll be mine and chans 1 year anniversary then since we've been together" I said and all the guys nodded.

"Okay so well start planning that once this is all done" jinx said.

"Thanks guys you're honestly the best" I said.

"No problem dude" and we all went over to everyone and continued the party and talking to people.

"I hope you like our surprise chan" I whispered to myself smiling and continued to talk to everyone.

Hey guys! I'm so sorry it's took me so long to upload a chapter and I'm sorry it's quite short but I'm thin on ideas and I've been very busy with college work and trying to revise for maths. Hope everyone's alright and I'll try to post a new chapter soon! :)

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