Chapter 23

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I walk up to Amri. "I can't believe this Amri, your here?" I said, "Yeah I am," he said. Amri was my old friend from the caves, I haven't seen him since I left. I smiled at my old friend, "Deet why are you here? I thought you went on a quest," he asked me.

"I was and I finished that quest and now I am on a new one," I tell him. I put my hands behind my back, I don't think I can tell him. "Anyway what about you?" I ask him, "Long story," he said.

Kylan coughed again. "Kylan!" said Brea, "I'm alright," he tells her. Mythra came back with Luna. She leans down to Kylan, "You will be alright," she said. He smiles, "Brea help Rem carry Kylan," Luna tells Brea, Brea nods and her and Rem each put one of Kylan's arms over their shoulders.

We head back to Luna's work room and she gave Kylan some medicine, I look over at Brea. I know she feels guilty for dragging Kylan along to find Rian. "Now tell me what happened to you?" Luna asked Kylan.

"When I and Brea got separated, I tried to find her but kept on getting lost, that's when I ran into Amri and he helped me," Kylan tells us. "I see thank you I'm glad to see both of you alright," Said Luna.

"Kylan," said Brea, he looks at her. "I'm sorry it's my fault," she tells him, he smiles. "Please don't feel guilty Brea," he tells her. She smiles.

Once Kylan and Amri settled in, I go back to where the animals are and sit under a tree.

I close my eyes and just rest.

I  open my eyes and I see the Sanctuary Tree, "Hello Deet" It said, "How?" I said, " I gave you my power young one, I am now in a way part of you," It tells me. I let out a breath, "What is happening to me? Why am I seeing visions of a young boy who is possible my child, What will happen to him?" I ask the tree.

It didn't respond this time, "Hello?" I said nothing, I then heard footsteps behind me and I look and look down it was Jen.

"Je" I said couldn't even finish saying the rest of his name because he ran. "Hey!" I said and chased after him. I kept on running after him and somehow ended up in the halls of the Castle Of The Crystal.

I see a tall figure and the Crystal Of Truth. I no longer see Jen, just a figure holding something in his hand. I walk up to him. "Rian?" I said. The person looks at me, "You're not Rian," I said to him. I look at the boy and his eyes specially. I felt my heart stop.

I woke up shaking and held my knees, "That boy is," I couldn't even finish what I was saying. What is going on? Why am I seeing this? Why show me a child that I will have and leave? Why show me him older?  What is his connection to the crystal?

I hear footsteps and I look up it was Shin. "The visions getting stronger?" he asked me, I nodded. He offers his hand, I take it. "Come we have to practice," he tells me. I follow him.

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