Chapter 17

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I was walking with Timtri helping him bring stuff back to the house. "Thanks for the help Deet," he tells me, "Oh it's no problem," I said, "I would have gotten Mythra to help me but she had to do something else," he tells me, "I'm sure she would have helped you," I tell him, "Oh yeah sure her way of helping me is saying "You have two arms and two legs so do it yourself,"  Then we argue Ma comes in and tells us in stern voice to go do it together we listen and do what we are told but we still argue," he tells me, he then let out a breath. "Sometimes I can't stand having sisters." He tells me, "I don't know anything about having sisters I have a younger brother but my friend Brea she had two older ones," I tell him.

"Maybe she can agree it's not fun," he tells me. I laugh a bit, it was quiet between us, "I bet mister Something else and my sister are having fun," he says to me. I look at him, "What?" I ask, "My Sister is seeing a Spriton and my Mother has no idea," he tells me. Oh my! "So your Mother has no idea?" I ask him, "No I think my sister is just afraid to tell her which I don't get other Gelfling here are together or married outside of their clan," he tells me. "Just give her time to tell her," I tell him, "True maybe that's how Mira felt," he tells me. "What do you mean?" I ask him. "When in the beginning of Mira's relationship with Rian, Mira would come home and avoid my Mother I think she was afraid to tell her. But my Mother didn't care Shin on the other hand my goodness I can tell he wanted to go to the castle and hunt down my big Brother," he tells me.

I laugh a bit, "I wonder how he is," he said. Same here. I then remember the last time I saw Rian is when I made that wall between us, my heart hurt. As we were walking Vi ran past us. "Vi what's going on?" Timtri asked him. Vi turns and looks at us, "Oh Timtri! Deet! Sorry can't talk right now a Vapra girl fell above ground in the lower area," he tells us. A Vapra girl? "How did she fall through?" Timtri asked "One of Raunip's traps I have to go help bye!" he said and left. "Lower area?" I said, "You haven't traveled far around here, I forgot. You see there's three other cave like entry around here. Like the main one here but similar here their top is opened even though Shin and Luna put a spell so it appears like a cave. But the different places here still also get the three suns and rain, one leads to where the animals live another is for crops, the last one is more lower ground like very low nothing is there, that one is more like a cave.," he tells me. "And Raunip's traps?" I ask him.

"Raunip put traps above the lower area encase of enemies you know how he is, I guess that Vapra girl fell in hope she's okay," he said. Vapra girl? Could it be? I need to know! "Timtri go home without me, I need to see this girl," I tell him giving him the stuff, "Huh? Hey Deet!" he tells me. As I started running towards the main building, I need to know.

I open the main door and there was Pharm, "Deet why are you here?" she asked me, "The Vapra girl that fell is she here?" I asked her, "Yes Luna checking on her right now why?" she asked me. "I don't know why but I believe that girl who fell might be someone I know," I tell her, She stood there thinking, "She must be I never have seen her around here, and everyone knows here Raunip put traps above, if she was from here she would have avoided it," she tells me.

I stood there, "I didn't know someone would actually fall in!" said a voice we look it was Raunip with Grime. "Calm down Raunip the girl will be okay she didn't get hurt too bad," he tells him, "Shin is going to kill me once he finds out!" said Raunip. "He won't kill you," Grime tells him, "Yes he will! He will kill me and take whatever body part of mine and give it too you to make one of your weird jewelry!" Raunip tells him. "Should I find that cruel what you just said about my Clan's charms?" Grime asked. They then look over at us, "Oh Deet good to see you, why are you here?" Grime asked me, "I have a feeling that the girl that fell is someone I know and I would like to see her please!" I said, Grime smiled. "Follow me Deet, Luna is with her so she won't mind," Grime says. I smile and follow him and he leads more towards the very back.

He then knocks on a door to a room, Vi opened it, "Oh Grime your back, oh Deet hi again!" he says. "Deet would like to see the girl," Grime tells him, "Let her in!" said a voice it was Luna. Vi opened up the door all the way. "Come right in Deet," he tells me. "Thank you," I said, "I'm going to meet up with Shin and the others about the trap take care," Grime says. He then leaves, I walk in and there was Luna sitting on a small stool and the girl laying on the bed. Luna looks at me, "Come over Deet it's alright," she tells me.

I walk over and then I saw the girl's face, I froze I was right I knew it. "Brea," I said.

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