Chapter 21

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I woke up in the room that Jen was playing in, I was on the floor. I got up and look around the place there were toys, a little desk with some drawings, a bed, and some books. I walk over to the desk but then.

"Far from the brothers' blinding light

Beneath the blanket of the long night

Grottans work in the dark and deep Where the glow moss grows And where crawlies creep

So lay down, my childling, and sleep

No need to fear

And no need to weep"

I froze, that lullaby. I sing that song all the time, my Fathers also use sing it too me and have sang it to my brother. I turn around and look at the door to the room, I walk closer to it. Each step I took it was getting louder and louder. I touch the door handle and took a deep breath and opened it and walked out of the room.

I was then outside, in that blood bath that I have seen before. Gelfling dead or being taken away or running away or fighting those creatures. I can smell the blood once again, the smoke was also strong to the point I felt like I can choke, I look around hugging myself I then see Jen being carried away by his Father, "Jen," I said his name and I followed them. Jen was literally looking at me, but I know he's really looking at the blood bath or trying to find his Mother, which I don't see her around.

Where was his Mother? No where was me? Why am I not with them?

Jen's Father avoided the creatures trying not to get grabbed, he then stopped and looks down, I look as well it was cellar it was connected to some building. He then opens the doors and puts Jen inside, I get closer to them and they started talking.

"Papa where's Mama?" ask Jen, "Mama had to go do something important," his Father tells him, "What?" ask Jen. He puts a hand on Jen's head, "To protect you Jen," his Father tells him, "Protect Jen?" Jen says. "Yes," said his Father. Protect him? Should she I mean I be with him?

His Father then hugs him close and Jen hugs back, "Papa those things are taking Gelfling and hurting them," said Jen. "Jen, Papa loves you very much," His Father tells him, "Jen loves Papa too," said Jen. "Jen, Papa is going to shut these doors and you need to stay inside okay," said his Father. "No don't leave him there!" I said knowing well Jen will no longer be in there, "Okay," said Jen. "No he's going to be alone and scared if you leave him!" I said but they can't hear me.

He then shuts the doors with Jen inside. "Deet I hope you know what you are doing to help our son," he said. He then stands up, I don't know why but my heart started to beat really fast. I was about to see what he looked like, he then slowly turns.............

I woke up breathing heavily. "Deet are you okay!" Ask Brea who helps me sit up, "What happened Deet?" Brea asked me. "Let her catch her breath Brea," said Luna, she then hands me a cup of water. I take the cup and drank the water and finally calm down, "Better?" Luna asked me, "Yes," I said. "What happened Deet?" Luna asked me, "I was in the room, Jen's room and I was looking around then I heard singing, my singing. I was singing the Grotten Lullaby that I always sing," I tell them.

They both just look at me, "Then what?" ask Brea, "It was coming from the door so I walked up to it and then I opened the door but instead of being in another part of the home I was outside in that Blood bath I first saw Jen in," I said and I put my hand on my throat, "The smell of the blood was strong and the smoke you can feel it in your lungs," I tell them. "Is that normal Luna?" ask Brea, "Yes even though the creatures won't see you doesn't mean you can still smell and feel your surroundings," said Luna. "Interesting," said Brea. "It is but also dangerous at times," said Luna. I touch my throat once again, "That smoke I felt like I would die if I breath it in," I said.

Luna looks at me, "What else happened Deet?" Brea asked me, "I manage to find Jen, he was being carried way by his Father, I followed them and he took Jen to this cellar to hide him and Jen was asking where his Mother, I mean me was," I tell them. "I see what did he tell Jen?" Luna asked me, "He told him I went to do something important something that was suppose to protect Jen," I tell them, "Did he explain?" Brea asked me, "No all he did was hug Jen tell him, he loved him and not to leave the cellar and he shuts the doors with Jen inside and stands up," I said.

"I see," said Luna "Did you see what he looked like?" Brea asked me, "I didn't I woke up when I was about to see his face but I remember my heart beating fast," I tell her. They both just look at me, "Well this is getting more and more interesting," said Luna who then stands up, I look up at her, "What do you mean?" I ask her, "I mean the connection between you and Jen and whoever his Father might be but I think I have a good idea who it is," she said and then she started to walk away, "Who?" I ask, she stops, "Deet as much as I wish to tell you, you know that answer already in your heart," she tells me, I look down and put a hand over my heart.

"Please rest for now how about you two go around the village today and explore, I need to finish some work good work today Deet now please get some rest," Luna tells us and she leaves the room.

I touch my heart, I know the answer but I'm scared because if I already know the answer why do I feel guilty that I took him away from her.

Brea then holds my other hand, I look at her and she smiles, "Well you going to show me around this place?" she asked me, I smile at her and stand up with her. "Yes come on you will really like it here," I tell her and we head outside.

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