Chapter 4

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Deet's P.O.V
"When the Urskek's became interested in the Crystal?" I ask her as we walked, "Yes," She says. "When was that?" I ask her, "two thousand trine ago," she tells me. I froze "wait two thousand trine that's impossible how are you?" I Said and I stop. "Alive and don't look a old Gelfling?" She Said. "Yes," I answered. She smiled, "I'll get to that," she said. We stop and she started grabbing some plants, "one day when Mother Aughra was not with the Crystal the Urskek's decided to experiment on the Crystal when she was away." She tells me.

"Experiment?" I ask "Yes the poor Crystal was in so much pain because of it, the Urskek's didn't care that it was a living thing," she tells me. "So the Crystal has been sick and in pain for that long," I Said "Yes," She Said. She picked some more and we began walking again.

"On that same day the Crystal was being experimented on two small beams left it one dark and one light. So small to the naked eye left the Crystal and went to travel through Thra to find something," she says. "To find what?" I ask. "A host," she answered. "A host?" I Said "Yes you see the Crystal knew it was being in pain so it decided to find something or someone to hold a little bit of its power even though it could have given it to Mother Aughra but with her being connected to Thra it would been to much for her. So the Crystal decided to give its power to the creatures closest to Thra," she tells me.

"Gelfling," I Said. "Yes. The two beams of the Crystal traveled and found its hosts but the hosts were not born yet," she says. "They weren't born?" I ask. She stands up and looks at me, "no," she says. "But why choose someone who wasn't born yet why not other Gelfling?" I ask. "The Crystal wanted two pure souls that weren't getting fooled by the Urskek's." She tells me. I was confused.

"I don't understand," I tell, "back then Gelfling were very gullible creatures they didn't even know what death was until Mother Aughra told them," she tells me. "So Gelfling believe anything back then?" I ask "Yes," she answered. "So then what happened?" I ask. We started walking, "the beam of light and dark went inside the two pregnant Gelfling women who were both in the early stages of their pregnancies, they didn't even know they were pregnant until," she said and stopped.

"Until what?" I ask "until they were giving birth on that same day the beams went in them." She tells me. My eyes widened, "both children were born on the same day not even a second apart one boy and one girl," she tells me. "You and Shin," I Said "Yes," she answered.  "How did your parents react when they saw you for the first time?" I ask her. "They were shocked I didn't look like them my hair was whiter and my eyes were strange to them. Shin's parents were the same but once Mother Aughra found out what the Crystal did she explained to both of our parents. Even though they were shocked they loved us despite our appearances and the gifts the Crystal has given us," she tells me.

"Gifts?" I ask "powers pretty much Shin and I are the Crystal's light and darkness," she tells me. "But I thought the Crystal was pure light," I tell her. "Every light must have a balance. Even though the Crystal appears to be nothing but light in reality it also holds darkness. The powers Shin and I possess are also of light and dark," she tells me. "And what powers are those?" I ask. "I have the power to heal while Shin has the power to destroy but we also share the ability to see the past and future though not all of it just very little, I can show anybody a good dream while he can show anyone a nightmare and of of course we are both immortal," she tells me. "That explains why you look young," I Said.

"Yes but besides our powers the Crystal gave us rules," she tells me. "Rules ?" I ask "Yes," she answered. "And that would be?" I ask. "I can not lie, I cannot steal, I cannot harm or kill. I cannot disturb Shin's work." She tells me. "And Shin?" I ask. "He can lie, he can steal, he can harm and kill, but he can't disturb my work." She tells me. "Sounds like to me he has more freedom then you," I tell her. "True but Shin doesn't take advantage of this at all, even though he holds darkness he is a good Gelfling ," she tells me.

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