Chapter 18

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"Brea," I said. There she was with her eyes closed she had some bruises on her from the fall, tears left my eyes. Seeing my friend again who I miss so much, I wanted to see her again but not like this. "She will be alright Deet she has a few bruises from the fall but she will be okay," Luna tells me, "I just can't believe it's her," I said, "Must be destiny," Luna says. Then Brea moved a bit, "She's waking up," said Luna. Brea then opened her eyes and look around, "Where am I?" she asked, "Safe," said Luna. She looks at Luna, "Why do you look so familiar?" she asked Luna, "I'll explain everything later young Princess but right now a friend of your wants to see you," Luna tells her, Brea then looks at me her eyes widen. "Deet!" she said "Brea!" I said, Brea then sat up I ran over to her and hug her, she hugs me back.

"Deet I thought I would never see you again when you disappeared after the battle in Stone-In-The-Wood!" she cried. "I'm sorry I had to leave for everyone's safety!" I tell her. We both just cry and hold each other. After crying for bit we went into Luna's work area sitting on the sofa, she then gave us some tea. Luna then sat in the chair that is next to the sofa, "I can see you two are really happy to be reunited," she says to us. We both smiled. I'm so happy, "Maybe with you here Brea Deet can feel more at home," Luna says, "Speaking of that, what is this place?" Brea asked. "This is a secret society of Gelfling for all the seven clans, Gelfling that do not support the Skeksis and call them lords," Luna tells her.

She looks around, "Is this a cave?" she asked "Not really the outside appears too be but this really just walls, well where you fell is the most cave like no sun light goes there," she tells Brea, "Why do you look so familiar?" Brea asked her, Luna smiles at her. "It's been many trine since you last saw me, last time you saw me is when you were a small childling, but to give you a hint I once worked under your Mother," Luna tells her. Brea sat there then her eyes widen. "H-how are you? I thought you disappeared!" Brea said. "I did for my safety and family and also yours," Luna tells her. "What?" I asked, Luna looks at me, "Deet remember when I told you my story I came here after what happened," Luna asked me. "Yes," I said, "One thing I left out I was living in Ha'rar at the time I was brought back to the castle, but I would always go home to Ha'rar and where I raised my daughter, the event that happened I was doing some work there and well you know the rest," She tells me.

"This whole time you were alive and you look like you haven't aged" Brea said, "I'm much older then you think Brea," Luna tells her. "What do you mean?" Brea asked, "I'm not a normal Gelfling but I will explain everything to you later right now Brea what were you doing around here?" Luna asked her. "Looking for Rian," Brea tells her, I look at her.

"Rian?" I asked "Yes a day after you disappeared he wanted to go find you, but Gurjin told him it was too dangerous, but being Rian, he was stubborn," she tells us. "Show me," I ask her, she looks at me, "Why do you want to see?" she asked me, "I just do," I tell her, she then smiles. "I knew there was something alright," I said. She had her hand out we look at Luna, "I will just let you two dreamfast," she tells us.

We did......

I was seeing everything from Brea's eyes we were in Stone-In-The-Wood. "Rian what are you doing?" Brea ask Rian who was packing a pack. "I'm going to go find Deet," he tells her. "By yourself?" she asked him, He looks at her, "Brea please don't stop me," he ask her, he then tries to walk away but she grab's his arm. "I'm not going to let you go by yourself, you think you are the only one who misses her, her family misses her, I miss her, our friends miss her!" she tells him. "Why do think I'm going to go find her," he tells her, "Rian I have seen the wall it's clear she is keeping us away from her for our safety" Brea tells him, "But what about her? She going to let the darkening eat her alive! What if the Skeksis find her and drain her! I'm not going to let that happen safety or not I'm not going to lose another person I care about I lost so much already," he tells her.

"Your not the only one who lost love ones," Brea tells him. It was quiet between them, she let out a breath, "Fine we leave tomorrow morning to go find her," she tells him. Rian looks at her, "She's my friend too and I'm not going to risk losing another gelfling I love and care about," She says and then walks away.

A flash happens and it was morning. Brea was outside, " Rian!" Brea yelled looking around Stone-In-The-Wood, "Why are you yelling?" Naia asked her, she walks up to Naia, "Where is Rian?" Brea asked Naia, "I haven't seen him, Gurjin have you?" Naia asked her brother, "No I haven't," he said. "If your looking for Rian, he's gone," said a voice it was Kylan walking up to them, "He left last night," he tells them. "He..AHHH RIAN!" Brea yelled, "Why are you so mad?" Gurjin asked her, "I told him, we would go find Deet together in the morning but no he goes on his own jerk!" Brea says.

"Calm down Brea," Kylan tells her, she then looks at Kylan, "Don't tell me to calm down! Why didn't you stop him?" Brea asked Kylan, he was silent, "I um I think I'm needed over there bye," Kylan said and left fast. "KYLAN GET BACK HERE!!" Brea yelled and chased him down.

We stopped dreamfasting. "He left to go find me?" I said, "Yes and there was Kylan who knew," she then stopped talking and her eyes widen. "Oh no Kylan!" she said standing up, "What's wrong?" I asked her, "After I chased down Kylan, he told me he saw where Rian was going so I told him, he was coming with me to go find Rian, so we left, but around the time I fell into the hole we got separated now he's all by himself," Brea says. She then sits back down on the sofa, "This is bad, he's all by himself," Brea said. "Calm down Brea, Kylan is smart he will be alright but I will tell Shin and the others to go find him, hopefully he's not to far," Luna tells her. "Thank you," Brea says to her. She then gets up "I'm sure Shin is back now I'll go tell him, you two stay here," Luna tells us.

Luna then leaves the room, I look at Brea,she look down at her hands. I put my hand over hers giving her comfort. Thra please be with Rian and Kylan wherever they are.

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