33. Daniel

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What started off so grand like a fireworks display had become so small like a single candle flame in darkness. Less like an event, more like an intimate affair. Daniel preferred it that way. Smiling softly, Daniel rested his head against Blake's curls as Blake's face laid snugly on his shoulder. One arm around Blake's waist and his other still cradling his hand, but much closer. They barely moved more than an inch with each step. The ballroom was only seeing a small square of action.

Daniel never wanted to leave this position.

Daniel nuzzled his cheeks against Blake's hair, wafting up his herbal smell, like fresh rosemary. He could feel Blake smiling against his shoulder, but the expression didn't last long. Daniel chuckled. "Care to share with the class? You know I can feel you thinking."

"No, you can't. That's not a vampire thing."

"No. It's a I've-known-you-since-we-were-kids kind of thing."

"It's just...." Blake lifted his head much to Daniel's disappointment. "I just realized something after we answered that last reporter's question and now I can't stop thinking about it."

"That you're more in love with me than ever?" Daniel had meant to tease Blake, but no humor found Blake's face.

"You never apologized to me for avoiding me during my first few days in Sagewick. You never apologized for being late. Maybe I'm realizing now that you just don't know how to apologize."

Daniel's face sharpened into a scowl. This might be the thing that set him over. He stopped the dance but couldn't bring himself to release Blake from his arms.

"I'm sorry I was late. It was a dick move," Daniel said, channeling a bit of Frances and Michael. He admired their bluntness. If he didn't let all of this go now, the pressure would never leave, and Daniel would surely be crushed.

"What are you doing—?"

Daniel couldn't stop once he started, the words coming out as certain as he was loud. "Things that I don't understand and can't plan for scare me and I was a coward, but we both know that. But now I'm not going to be afraid to admit it when I'm weak. I'm also sorry that when we were kids, I was a part of Damien's scheme to interrupt your date at the movies with that one kid that asked you out as his secret Santa present. Brent or whatever!"

He never mentioned that before.

Probably didn't need to now.

Blake gawked. His jaw seemed to have snapped out of place and he may never shut it. Never stopped being surprised. "I'm sorry I told everyone you were a cry baby. I'm sorry I didn't stick up for you then, even though I did like you. I'm sorry I was a lying little bastard."

"Danny," Blake said, speechless otherwise.

"And I'm sorry I wasn't concerned with how you were feeling at the beginning of all this. I was afraid of my own feelings and took it out on you. I'm sorry I pushed you too hard to change your clothes and learn etiquette."

"No, no I-"

"I'm sorry I can be immature when it comes to you and I'm sorry I was being a little possessive."

"Where's the 'but'?"

"There's plenty I am sorry for and I will apologize for it. Especially when I'm wrong. If you taught me anything, it's that I can't fix everything by myself. I miss plenty of stuff and for the rest of our lives, you're going to have to tell me things that are to everyone, but me and you'll have to tell me when my ideas are bad."

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