43. Blake/Daniel

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Once Edward's soul was gone and the magic in Blake's hand fizzled out, Blake almost collapsed. Daniel caught him as Blake's entire body pounded. It was like crossing the finish line after running three 10ks and finishing first. Taking deep shallow breaths, Blake glanced up at Daniel. "Hi."

"Hi." He grinned.

Blake smiled back, reaching up to cradle his face, urging Daniel to lean down. Daniel obliged and kissed Blake. He kissed him slowly, gently to make up for the lost kisses and the lost time. "Hey, Danny," Blake whispered.

"Hmm?" Daniel hummed, seemingly more than happy to just keep kissing.

"We just got married."

Daniel grinned wider and wrapped his arms around Blake, sweeping him up and off the floor. Blake screamed with laughter as he held Daniel back, letting himself get spun around and around. Daniel's arms had gotten bigger and Blake relished in their strength and safety. He finally slipped down and cradled Daniel's cheeks. He pecked his lips with a smile.

"And you'll probably have to get married again," Frances said, grunting as he pushed himself up. He was alone now. No Ignacio in sight. Not that he didn't look. Only the passed out bodies of Josehine, Damien, and Adrian.

"Oh, that's right!" Delphine touched her lips. "Everyone's waiting for you."

Daniel dropped Blake back onto the floor. Blake peeked at Adrian, his stomach in knots. "But what about..."

"I'll stay with them," Frances said. "I'll call Michael and tell him to bring the medical team. We don't want to cause another scene."

"But we can't really go like this," Daniel said, holding his arms up to display the damaged down to his suit from a week ago.

"I'll handle it," Blake said and took Daniel's hands, standing in front of him. He closed his eyes and muttered, psyching himself up. "I have a feeling this kind of spell is like nothing to me now..."

And it was just as he predicted. This enchantment of changing, fixing, dying, and tailoring their clothes used to feel like real work. Now it was nothing harder than just brushing the lint off his shoulders. When he opened his eyes, they all were back to perfection.

This new magic had even spilled out and cleaned up the room, putting all the torn apart displays, trees, and presents back together. It was like a fight had never happened... but Blake could see just the small remnants of his magic. The shift and sparkle of a few edges.

"Feel like getting married again?" Daniel asked, tugging his arm.

"To you? I'd do it a thousand more times."

"Let's start with twice," Daniel tease, wriggling on the same way to kiss Blake again.


Leaving the clean up to Frances and eventually Michael, the rest ran back to the wedding hall. They burst through the doors to a hall humming with worry and chatter. They were out of breath by the time they arrived, with the exception of Daniel who thought he could run around the world five times and take one more lap for fun.

All his senses intensified too, and he had to squash more strength than usual when opening the door. He had a feeling both him and Blake were going to have to relearn their gifts. Like they both just had their training wheels cut.

He squeezed Blake's hand, who's purple eyes sparkled when they met his. From the moment where they had met up again, after all that time being apart, Daniel was surprised by how magical Blake Winslow could be. He saw it the day he summoned Ignacio and he also saw it through his little touches, through the way he touched the world and the way flowers moved as he passed. The way lights flickered. The way his smiles could give Daniel power.

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