11. Blake

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Blake sucked in a cool breath that spilled like ice water down his throat to fill his chest. Time changed as Daniel stood in Blake's space. It slowed to a crawl. The air stirred around Blake, changing the tilt of the earth, but that could always be the copious amounts of booze. Everything still felt a little fuzzy and dreamy as they stood in the warm library.

His heart thrummed as if it could wave its hands and try to warn Blake that Daniel was coming for him as if he wasn't already painfully aware how close Daniel Bellerose stood to him. His endlessly dark eyes bore right through Blake's skull. Like this, it felt like he could read Blake's mind as if he could hear Blake's thought run wild about the shape of his mouth and the cut of his face and the burning look in those eyes. This look gave Blake chills.

He can safely say Daniel never looked at him like this before.

A strange new feeling emerged inside of Blake, one he didn't know how to hold, so he lost it. Maybe with more practice, he'd know what to do with it next time. Tonight, he laughed nervously and made a small request. "Just be gentle with me, Danny."

"I'm insulted you even have to ask," Daniel smirked, leaning just a little closer. If Blake just stretched a tad higher on his toes, they'd kiss. The space between them would vanish and it'd just be lips gently pressed against lips. Blake couldn't escape the pull of that heated look. Daniel sighed, growing a little more serious. "It won't hurt. I already promise not to hurt you again."

"Let's see if you're a liar," Blake whispered and for courage, took another drink of whatever this liquor was. Whatever it was went down his throat like burning hot coals.

"Just close your eyes and relax," Daniel said and then, muttered something Blake probably wasn't supposed to hear. "Can't believe you talked me into this..."

At first, Blake closed his eyes like he was told, but he couldn't help himself. He peeked just as Daniel's fangs extended, before they disappeared inside Blake's skin. Daniel was only a liar for a split second, a horrible needle like pain piercing through his entire arm. That pain melted suddenly, replaced by a warm sensation like liquid sunshine that spread to the tips of his fingers and to the bottom of his toes. His knees melted, turning all warm and gooey.

Daniel reached out, sliding his arm around Blake's back to keep him steady, but Daniel stumbled. He stopped drinking suddenly, his body trembling as a snort jumped past his lips. He slipped his mouth back over the wound, messily drinking. Some of Blake's blood leaked from the side of his mouth as he tried desperately to hold in his laughter.

Blake chuckled, his smile unwavering as his delight fluttered like wild hummingbirds inside his chest. With his free hand, he found the courage to reach out and caress the back of Daniel's head. His fingers dipped lower, just past his collar. Daniel shivered between Blake's hands and that ignited another flash of chaotic laughter as wild as the first spark of a forest fire. He started laughing so hard, he had to use Blake to stand up as he pressed his head against Blake's chest. Blake laughed, continuing to stroke the back of Daniel's head to make sure no screws had gotten loose.

"Oh, shit—I mean, shoot," Daniel blurted, quickly licking up the blood dripping from Blake's arm. It was too late for Blake's shirt as a crimson stain bloomed up the white cotton. Somehow, this was the funniest thing in the world to him.

"Wow, that was quick." It made Blake smile so hard, his cheeks hurt. He gripped Daniel's shoulders, pulling back to admire the hazy look in his eyes and his veil of amusement. "That was quick. You don't drink very often, do you? I mean, drink to get drunk. You seem like a lightweight."

"Shut up," Daniel muttered and licked up the bite wound, causing Blake to shiver. It was enough to keep the wound from bleeding anymore. "You're just really drunk."

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