42. Blake

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"Fuck you," Blake said, swiping his hand in the air and the nearest table hurtled right for Edward's head, the table draped with a kitschy Christmas tablecloth. Adrian would probably forgive a small concussion. Not that it mattered. Ignacio touched Edward's shoulder and he was teleported out of the way, back towards the entrance door.

Edward snapped at Ignacio. "Couldn't you have gotten me closer?"

Ignacio didn't answer, turning away, when he noticed Frances. His face changed, a flicker of surprise bringing him back to life. It would be the first time Frances really saw him, horns and all. Frances went slacked jawed and he opened his mouth, but for the first time in his life, he was rendered speechless. Ignacio's nose flared and his eyes threatened tears. Blake could hear the crack of his heart breaking.

Setting his eyes on Blake, Edward hurtled towards him, but Daniel met him halfway. They caught each other's hands, creating a booming sudden stop. All Blake saw at first were blurs of the fight. They'd be by a Christmas tree as Daniel punched Edward across his face, but then closer to the punch bowl, Edward would be driving his knee into Daniel's stomach.

Blake blinked and found Daniel across the room, popping a shoulder back into place. Wiping some blood off his mouth, Daniel asked out of breath, "Will it ruin our honeymoon if I break Adrian's arm?"

"No, but if you tear it off, I'll have a few things to say. Keep going, Delphine!" Blake shouted and searched the room, something he could use. Edward took off to punch a hole through Daniel, but Blake clapped his hands together and all the bulbs on the closest Christmas tree exploded in Edward's face, blinding him long enough for Daniel to pounce. He grabbed Edward's arms, pulling them back as Daniel drove his knee into his back.

"Do you Blake Winslow take Daniel Bellerose to be your lawfully wedded partner?" Delphine piped up behind Frances, who held his arms out and made himself a shield around her.

"Skip ahead!" Daniel grunted, before dodging one of Edward's punches.

Rolling her eyes, "Do you take this man as long as you both shall live?"

"I—" Blake started, but was cut off, thrown by a rush of wind and behind him was a translucent Ignacio holding him back. Blake tried wriggling free, but Ignacio's hands felt like iron cuffs. "I do!" He still bit out.

"Let's keep this between us," Edward eyed Daniel before breaking free.

Blake looked around and everyone was being held back by a copy of Ignacio. "Iggy, you don't want to do this. Remember? You want Danny and me together more than anyone. Almost as much as us!" Blake insisted, but his copy didn't react.

He cursed and looked to Frances who was going through a whirlwind of emotions from confusion to hurt and back. He stared at the copy holding him. Debris hurtled at his head and Frances's copy actually moved him out of harms way. Out of all the copies that one was less see-through.

"Frances!" Blake called. "Try to talk some sense into Iggy!"


"That's for you to figure out!"

Blake's attention was pulled again as Daniel cursed, holding Edward's hand back, his nails lengthen and with the sharpness of a serrated blade. Edward aimed it directly for Daniel's chest, where his wound had already closed. Edward drooled to rip it back open like he was the shiniest present underneath the tree. Daniel's arms trembled. Just as much as he was keeping Edward's hand away, he was getting closer to making contact.

"Your wedding rings," Delphine shouted over the air pressure and the electric Santa that had kicked on from Blake's power surge and was singing Christmas carols. "They're a reminder of the vows you make to each other today—"

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