5. Blake

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The plane landed at the Sagewick airport and the icy breeze numbed Blake's face within seconds. Nobody lied about Sagewick's winter season, but they definitely held back the whole truth. Stepping off the plane was like opening the door to a walk-in freezer and rolling around on the floor.

Taking off his jacket, Adrian draped it over Blake's shoulder. When Blake tried to refuse, Adrian stated, "I don't think I'd give the Bellerose family a great first impression, if I'm letting my charge turn blue from the cold."

And Blake guessed he didn't want his teeth chattering when he met Danny again. Still, Blake felt a coil of guilt tighten around his chest. He pinched a piece of Adrian's shirt and whispered a small enchantment, something to warm the cloth. Almost immediately, the color in Adrian's face turned a much prettier color.

"You're too kind, sir."

When they were all ready, Blake followed Adrian through the terminal. Again, they passed through the usual checks with more ease than what was normal. Thankfully, less people were bowing time. The airport wasn't particularly packed, so it was easy to maneuver around the bodies. As they reached the exit, a slender man stood with a sign that read:

Blake Winslow

The man was young, but in Sagewick that could be deceptive. He may look nineteen, but he could really be closer to one hundred or more. When Blake was a kid, his mother used to drill into him that he should be incredibly polite in Sagewick and to show the upmost respect to everyone just in case. They hold manners in the highest regard.

"That's me." Blake raised his hand.

"Is that so?" The man titled his head.

His styled blonde hair didn't budge, and he wore a black suit with a slim tie and a leather backpack. Suddenly, Blake picked at his sweatshirt, brushing off the last of the croissant crumbs from breakfast. Just like the pilot, this guy had miraculously flawless skin and a tidy appearance. His eyes were a vibrant shade of blue, which reminded Blake not to stare so long, the same way a snake's colors could warn someone of their poison.

A vampire's eyes had the ability to mesmerize a person and even hypnotized them into submission. Some vampires did it unconsciously, if they weren't paying attention well enough.

"Well, I'm always prepared, even for surprises."

"Where's Danny- I mean, Daniel?"

The man cracked a smile. "Unfortunately, his highness was whisked off to a meeting. I'm Michael, his assistant. Not Mike. Not Mikey."

"Michael." I nodded.

"Let's go before—"

Michael was cut off by a woman's shouting, "Wait! Wait! Wait!"

A tall woman, all sharp features and edges galloped at the group, towering in her high heel boots. Her long white coat fluttered behind her like a cape as she clutched her small leather purse. She wore a long chunky white sweater with a loose turtleneck. She had cool black skin like she was a piece of shattered the night sky while her silky black hair spilled down her shoulders, all the way to her elbows.

This million-foot-tall gorgeous model smacked Michael with her leather handbag. "I said wait. You were going to leave without me, weren't you?" She had the same slightly British accent as everybody else, but a bit angrier than Blake had heard so far. Her eyes flickered at him and as her entire face brightened, Blake jumped. Her attention felt like a prick of electricity.

"Oh my!" The woman gawked. "You smell amazing!"

"Huh?" was all Blake could come up with.

Michael sighed. He raised his hand, presenting the woman like it was as troublesome as dragging a car down the road with his teeth. "This is Josephine Bellerose-"

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