37. Daniel

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The last thing Daniel remembered was something about him being completely right. The one time he wished someone proved him wrong. He fought the nauseating wave turning his world over and Daniel upside down. Seconds away from throwing up, Daniel tried pushing away the sickness and a headache. His stomach was already empty enough.

He needed to wake up.

Blake was waiting for him.

Voices slipped between the cracks of his unconsciousness, stirring him awake. It was Adrian and Ignacio. Adrian's voice filled this cold room. Underneath him was a freezing wet floor and Daniel couldn't move, his arms too heavy and his limbs restricted behind his back.

"Consider your position as an assistant over," Adrian dolled out his commands, one after another with no space for discussion. He used up all the air in the room, giving Ignacio no breath to argue. "Only speak when I give you permission and especially stay away from Frances. He's a nuisance that you'll never see again, understand me?" It was a question, but he didn't wait for an answer. "And you're not to speak to Henry either."

"Blake," Ignacio finally spoke up. "His name is Blake."

A tremor of life sparked back through Daniel. Ignacio's backtalk fed him just enough to be coherent. It tasted like liquid courage and hope. "And I have a deal with him too, so I'll talk to him as much as I like."

"You could come out better than before, Ignacio," Adrian said, his voice changing, smoothing out all its edges. "When I become King, I'll remember if you cooperated or not. So decide for yourself now how comfortable you want your new life to be."

After a pause, Ignacio stated, "You can't trick me, Edward. You've revealed yourself to us and you'll never be able to manipulate Blake or me again. You'll have to try harder now."

"Blake or Henry, it doesn't matter. I've got him exactly where I want him."

"Fine. I'd rather you underestimate him. It'll make things worse for you."

Daniel tried moving to see how tough these restraints were. He wanted to be quieter, but he couldn't take back the sound of the chains rattling. Opening his eyes, Daniel scowled up at Adrian wearing Daniel's clothes and Ignacio back in his demon form, horns, and all. His eyes glowed golden in this dingy prison cell. The smell of copper and mold filled Daniel's chest, threatening to rot the rest of his organs.

One look and Daniel knew where he was immediately by the moisture clinging the stone walls, the moon light seeping from the barred windows made them glisten. The only furniture inside the cell was Daniel chained to the wall. These were Sagewick castle's dungeons. 

"Oh, good, he's awake." Adrian smile made Daniel's skin crawl. It was the smile of a stranger. "I expect you to behave down here, Nicholas or else I will take it out on that silly family you've made, and I'll especially take it out on Henry."

"Nicholas?" Daniel's brow narrowed harsher. His irritation sat hot in the back of his head, itchy enough to make Daniel want to rip up his skin. "Why are you calling me that? Who are you?"

Adrian tilted his head, searching for the lie on Daniel's face, but when he couldn't find it, Adrian looked at Ignacio. He glared at the demon. "Why doesn't he remember like Henry does? It's no fun if he can't remember me."

"It was part of my deal with Henry," Ignacio said, his voice so small. He closed his eyes, treating this conversation like a needle prick. A pain he was forced to bare. "He didn't want Nicholas to remember."

"Well, you still owe me, and I want him to remember."

"Remember what?" Daniel barked, yanking on his chains. The resistant wasn't normal, but they were made that way. He should be able to tear himself out or break free from the walls, if was simple iron. But the point of these cells were to keep rowdy or ill-behaved vampires away from the previous crown. Like vampire time-out chambers. 

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