14. Blake

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"It was my idea," Blake insisted, trying to meet Adrian's eyes. Adrian hadn't look at him since he started bandaging up Blake's arm. "Don't be mad."

"I'm not mad," Adrian said, totally mad. "Just disappointed."

Blake's body deflated, sputtering like a leaky balloon. "That's even worse."

"At Daniel."

"What?" Daniel did a double take from his chair across from the Blake. The boys were almost immediately separated, a couch and several disapproving adults between them. Daniel looked around his parents who were arguing about the best punishment for them. He shouted, "It was his idea!"

"Danny," Blake gawked and for a fleeting second, Adele's eyes flickered into his, but she quickly looked back at her husband. "You threw me under the bus so fast."

"Daniel should know better than to just bite you. And who knows if one of the maids saw your arm. It's feral to go around biting people for fun," Adrian insisted and finished fastening the bandage to Blake's arm, but his hands didn't move. His arm seemed to look so small, so fragile in Adrian's rough hands, like gigantic tree roots wrapped around a rose.

"Blake," he said, willing Blake to meet his eyes. A small coil in Blake's chest tightened as he drowned in the guilt. Blake never gave him trouble. Link and Damien were the problem children. Not Blake. Disappointing Adrian was truly painful, like a cringe he couldn't shake. "Promise me you'll be more careful."

"It's just Danny."

"I don't hear a promise."

"I promise."

With a small smile, Adrian dragged his thumb across the bandage and goosebumps trickled down Blake's arm. Before Blake could react to such a gentle touch, Adrian stood up. Nobody seemed to notice, but Blake. Everyone was distracted by Michael shouting into his phone that was wedged between his shoulder and his ear. He was busy also sweeping up all the rose petals from the floor into one great red pile. "I said I want names! Not excuses! Who tipped you off?"

Apparently, Michael knew someone from the local Sagewick Star, the tabloid that printed those pictures. Blake couldn't believe they came out with that article so fast. He was never newsworthy before. He grabbed the magazine from the marble coffee table. It was a sick fascination like a horrific traffic accident that he couldn't look away from. How could he be so stupid?

Daniel moved to the next couch, sneaking down the cushions until he bumped Blake's elbow. He glanced over the top of the glossy magazine and snorted. "I look like an idiot," he said, pointing to his picture. "Look. I have a nose hair sticking out. Excellent. That's really what I wanted to be captured for all eternity."

Blake chuckled, studying Daniel's face. He didn't look bad in the pictures. It was impossible for him not to look good. Even in his disheveled state. Daniel took the magazine and folded it up. "This isn't suitable for consumption. It's hardly even suitable for the bin. I feel bad for the trash."

With an easy toss, Daniel sunk the magazine in the nearest trashcan and Blake couldn't help but laugh again. He nudged his knee back into Daniel's and whispered, "Thanks."

"No, need to thank me. Just being honest."

"It's fine if they fooled around!" Etienne suddenly insisted with a roar that made Blake straighten to attention. "They just have to be more discreet. For all we know, someone inside this castle tipped off the press to follow Blake and Frances to the club. The last thing we need is for anyone to find out what Daniel did. I swear," he finally looked at his son. "Overnight you've forgotten everything we've ever taught you."

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