23. Blake/Daniel

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Blake, his brothers and Daniel found their way into the parlor room, but Blake pushed through them and ran inside first. His mother jumped from her seat with her arms wide open. "Blake!"

The moment he saw his mother Emma, Blake's eyes filled with tears. They looked alike in so many ways from their drooping eyes, pale skin, and slender limbs, but she was so much soft like powdered snow. It was as if a soft filter encased his mother that made some people catch their breaths. She wore a nice black dress, something nicer than usual with Etienne, the king sitting at her side.

If Blake could fly, he would've done it. He rushed into her arms and held her so tight he thought he may never let go. She stroked the back of his head, brushing her fingers through the curls they shared. She felt so warm, so incredibly warm.

"I've missed you so much," she whispered, rocking him a little.

"Not as much as I've missed you." Blake laughed through his tears. He tried wiping them away, but he wasn't quick enough. Behind him, he could feel someone approach and his mother gushed.

"Oh, my Daniel. It's so good to see you..."

Blake glanced around just as Daniel appeared by his side with a smile. He placed his arm around Blake, rubbing his shoulder. They locked eyes and Blake nodded, reassuring Daniel that he was really alright and wiped away the last of his tears.

Blake's mother tilted her head. "You know, now that I see you together, you two do make a handsome couple."

"Thank you." Daniel grinned, glancing at Blake as if saying "Isn't that interesting?"

Damien groaned from the door. "I'm getting a drink."



Daniel took a crystal glass from Damien that was full of a dark liquid. He took a quick whiff, surmising the blood type and took a drink. The thick liquid coated his throat and spilled into his stomach, making a warm sensation ripple through his body. There was a flavor he didn't recognize, but from Daniel recalled Damien always played with mixes to make drinks more interesting. The Winslows were potion makers.

It took a while to round up his mother and Clay Winslow, Blake's father. They had wandered into a far away wing of the castle. Blake's mother had joked, "They probably haven't taken a breath between them since we arrived, which may not be amazing because Adele is a vampire, but for my husband, it's quite a feat."

Daniel's mother and Clay had always had a great friendship. Now that they were both losing what made them magical beings, they really had something to bond over. Daniel kept that comment to himself, not wanting to bring down the mood.

They hadn't quite made it out of the lounge, when Frances and Ignacio came stumbling into the hall, breathless and flushed. Daniel almost didn't recognize Frances... he had never made that face before. His smile seemed so genuine. Even his eyes sparkled as they looked at Ignacio, who was laughing harder than Daniel had ever seen either.

Alone together made them look different. Daniel could relate.

Maybe Blake was onto something.

He took another sip and pulled on Blake's sleeve. Blake jumped a little but fell back from the crowd to join him in the back. Daniel whispered, "I think we've matched our matchmaker."

"If that can't reverse the curse, I don't know what will," Blake said as if that was his plan all along. "Maybe Ignacio will push back the deadline, if we manage to hook him up with Frances."

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